本帖最后由 service 于 2016-5-27 21:49 编辑 5 i' x3 G& J$ Q
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一封上市港企的OFFER 2016培训生校园招募 About Cheung Kong Property Holdings Limited and Hutchison Property Group Cheung Kong Property Holdings Limited is one of the largest property developers in Hong Kong. It has a leading market share in Hong Kong, a strong penetration in the Mainland China, and an international presence through its operations in Singapore, the United Kingdom and The Bahamas. With its long history of property development expertise, the Group has built many of Hong Kong’s most notable landmark buildings and complexes. As a fully-integrated, multi-disciplinary property developer, Cheung Kong Property has a diverse range of capabilities. Its principal activities encompass residential, commercial and industrial property development and investment; hotel and serviced suite operation; and property and project management. As a member of Cheung Kong Property Holdings Limited, Hutchison Property Group specializes in prestigious residential, office, commercial, industrial, hotel and resort developments. With its wealth of experience and expertise in property development, the visionary group has built many notable landmarks in Mainland China, with more than 50 property projects spanning over 20 cities, including: Beijing, Tianjin, Changchun, Dalian, Nanjing, Shanghai, Changzhou, Qingdao, Chongqing, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xian, Changsha, Guangzhou, Foshan, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Huizhou. ) N/ k! m/ B: r5 A( u+ |2 G
Besides, the Group operates a portfolio of premium hotels in Hong Kong, Chongqing, Chengdu, Shenyang and The Bahamas. 6 G* q5 R! \- ^4 x+ j- t( H* Q1 V
关于长江实业地产有限公司及和记地产集团 长江实业地产有限公司为香港最具规模的地产发展商之一。集团于香港市场具领导地位,并在中国内地拥有稳固的业务根基,业务足迹遍布新加坡、英国及巴哈马群岛。集团具备丰富的物业发展经验,是一家全面及业务多元化的地产发展商,主要从事住宅及工商物业发展和投资、酒店及服务套房业务,以及物业及项目管理。
' F: z! o! O- P& S* s9 D) `! Q4 {5 X8 v作为长江实业地产有限公司成员和记地产集团致力发展优质住宅、写字楼、商场、工业、酒店和渡假项目。凭借其丰富的国际房地产开发经验,以寰宇视野及前瞻目光,构建了多个标竿项目,在内地逾二十个城市拥有五十多个物业,遍布北京、天津、长春、大连、南京、上海、常州、青岛、重庆、成都、武汉、西安、长沙、广州、佛山、深圳、东莞、珠海、中山、江门和惠州等。 9 u9 N2 N1 `0 E: D0 W
此外,集团并于香港、重庆、成都、沈阳及巴哈马经营多家高级酒店。 目的培养地产一流操盘手 对象成都地区高校在校大三学生,专业不限,共10名 offer历程 n 初入职场:必须的一线实战经历; n 职场尖子生:多部门轮岗实战,业内资深人士指导,项目操盘全流程参与; n 职场精英:一年内表现优异培训生转正,跻身一流名企; WOW惊喜 n 上市名企项目实操全体验; n 每人一份上市名企实习推荐信,和记黄埔地产(成都)高管亲笔签名; n 与家人参观和记黄埔地产(成都)公司及项目; ( \2 D$ P. _: ^: g% R
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I WANT YOU 思维敏捷、敢于创新的行动派 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 西南航空港经济开发区学府路一段24号' i' H* b1 |2 y
(三教202阶梯教室) |
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和记黄埔地产(成都) 26/05/2016 4 v h8 h4 i1 h; Y y