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- 1970-1-1
4 y6 P T7 r. n7 a8 j) D( s 公司系国家级重点高新技术企业,广东省知识产权优势企业,广东省创新型企业,广东省50家装备制造业重点企业,汕头市装备制造业重点企业。拥有国家级“中国吹塑装备与功能膜产业基地”,省级“广东省多层共挤塑料加工装备工程技术研究开发中心”。通过权威的ISO9001国际质量体系认证、ISO14001国际环境体系认证和CE安全认证。
& R# R( B! O' |) {: p' \% m/ { E 金明公司致力于薄膜吹塑、中空吹塑成型设备的研发与制造,经过二十多年的不懈努力,产品在海内外享有较高的知名度。以最优秀的性价比,成为全球极具竞争力的优秀塑机制造商。
0 F v/ ~6 F( m z “靠科技振兴企业”,系公司的座右铭。目前,金明公司已获10项国家级新产品奖,省级市科技进步奖共25项,荣获88 项技术获国家专利授权。
( Y* O; \; `/ p 金明公司位于美丽的海滨城市 一 广东汕头,占地面积约10万平方米。现有员工300多人,其中专业研发人员超过15%,拥有雄厚的研发能力。 9 A. y/ G4 O+ a1 u$ k% J/ a' @
金明公司拥有经验丰富的塑机制造及工艺专家,将竭诚为您提供满意的塑机设备解决方案。& e+ e, r* s. G% y: C
$ }! |4 U0 v1 c6 n$ l! n7 X ~5 N+ X6 w+ R; }+ \; |: W6 `9 j. Q* K
现招聘销售助理二人,要求本科以上, 英语6级以上, 机械、高分子、英语、市场营销等专业优先,要经常适应国内外出差, 一经录用,先在总部实习培训3-6个月再派往成都办事处. " V! p; x0 b6 z! ], N6 {
总部地址: 广东省汕头市濠江区河浦大道 (深汕高速路河浦出口)
) _3 d+ S9 { N( }5 d4 t有意者,请联系发简历至金明公司杨小姐 Email: annayangemail@gmail.com 或 hr@stjm.com 电话0754-89811393 / 89811322
u8 i# r% G' D' |
! ?. z3 _9 O( y/ K+ h
& }! ^4 f+ _$ _. K) ]. `" XGuangdong Jinming Machinery Co., Ltd, established in 1987, is one of the leading providers of blown film lines, cast film lines and blow molding machines in China. JINMING is an ISO9001, ISO14001 and CE standard certified company which is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of plastic machin1.es. In addition to numerous technical and professional awards, JINMING has also patented 88 different technical items in China. " c) W% `8 g2 g
With more than 20 years of experience, JINMING has become a continuing partner with our customers and has been enjoying an outstanding reputation in the plastic industries both at home and abroad. JINMING has a professional and experienced team of over 300 JINMING engineers and staff to offer the most cost effective solutions.
# K1 l3 v* A- a7 q0 K4 `For more details, please refer to www.stjm.com.
, O4 u5 \ S: `% j7 X
) |) U( H C" d% e( mJob Description:
# g. E. v' y* @) \& f) hSales Assistant
: o* `: {6 Y9 O, {+ gLocation: Chengdu, Sichuan, China
! w/ P( ]5 M8 V( B' a$ r8 fRequirements:: f7 g5 R! D8 F ~$ q2 L
1. Bachelor or master degree holder in Mechanism, Polymer, English, Business/Marketing, etc.8 w8 \, _9 D* G: h, ?
2. Fluent in written and spoken English with CET6
" g3 D0 \ n' G, y; v3. Capable to travel around the world
/ `" u) v- }9 [" x6 ]3 Z" sPlease be noted that new recruits will be trained for 3 to 6 months at Headquarter before working in Chengdu branch. 3! M2 i' P$ X! D2 a
Number of Vacancies: 2+ v4 g2 r7 @4 ^" X! f
5 e; o+ { f. \- M# X
Headquarter Address: Hepu Road,Haojiang District,Shantou, (Shenshan Highway Hepu Exit),Guangdong, China 5150984 `0 X A( |8 g5 |
Please send you resume to Ms. Yang via annayangemail@gmail.com or hr@stjm.com Tel 0754-89811393 / 89811322 |