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WinRAR是一个强大的解压缩软件。WinRAR4.0能备份你的数据,可以解开rar、zip、ISO、CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、 ACE、UUE、BZ2、JAR、Z 和7Z 等多种类型的档案文件,减少你的E-mail 附件的大小,解压缩从Internet 上下载的RAR、ZIP和其他格式的压缩文件,并能创建 RAR 和 ZIP 格式的压缩文件。是现在最好的压缩工具,界面友好,使用方便,在压缩率和速度方面都有很好的表现。其压缩率比之WINZIP之流要高,3.x采用了更先进的压缩算法,是现在压缩率较大、压缩速度较快的格式之一。新增无需解压就可以在压缩文件内查找文件和字符串、压缩文件格式转换功能。( g" d3 K: s) F7 |; o2 @& ^
9 s3 R/ N E8 q |- R0 E
WinRAR是一个文件压缩管理软件,是最好用的rar解压软件之一。由Eugene Roshal(所以RAR的全名是:Roshal ARchive)开发。首个公开版本RAR 1.3发布于1993年。Pocket RAR是为Pocket PC平台发布的免费软件。它是仅有的几个可以读写RAR文件的软件之一,因为它保留版权。
! r; v1 c: I3 O# I2 M1 u) k1 f5 g
( U3 q f, t) S 最近的开发者是Alexander Roshal。虽然其解码器有专利,编译好的解压程序仍然存在于若干平台,例如开源的7-Zip。尽管业界普遍混乱,似乎没有纯开源模块能解压版本超过2.0的RAR文件( k' @2 |% N# p' S( g" `
& Z( P/ H$ ~ q3 l* e
WinRAR内置程序可以解开 CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、ACE、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO、Z 和 7Z 等多种类型的档案文件、镜像文件和 TAR 组合型文件( f* R `7 L3 j, G# G9 r1 \/ V
5 t* ?4 e" f2 ?; g: j& s6 M# x$ S( _( s) w
WinRAR 完全支援市面上最通用的RAR及ZIP压缩格式,并且还可以解开ARJ、CAB、LZH、 TGZ等压缩格式,对於常玩日本游戏的玩家来说,能解开LZH格式是最好不过的功能了.除了支援这些压缩格式的解压缩功能外,还有分片压缩、资料恢复、资料加密等功能,并且可以可以将压缩档案储存为自动解压缩档案,方便他人使用的好用功能!. h8 z1 K1 D' g/ |! T6 D0 V, G
8 f+ G* r4 v9 x
7 ]' v2 Q9 H6 } U, z5 q
WINRAR 4.0 新特点(不习鸟语的同学可以略过直接去下载吧!)
9 D; ^' ]8 b. A0 l- ? q1. RAR decompression speed is improved. Depending on data type,
& R& [# e( B6 m M" V s% S decompression can be up to 30% faster than in previous versions.
0 i5 F# i: e8 d
; L- t; o( @4 C T+ O0 s Both the general RAR algorithm and most of special RAR multimedia* s& ~ i& l8 g6 t0 k6 l
methods benefit from this improvement. The only module of RAR$ K% A+ J! b2 Q) S
algorithm, which is not affected, is "Text compression" method.
# Q% j* e! S3 V0 |3 T o' M 3 |0 l& f, D- R1 t2 e
2. Changes in ISO support:
5 Y7 n. @1 h, i 4 z: { {7 |; E& V5 {
a) UDF support is upgraded to UDF 2.50 revision. It makes possible
5 u |. `2 B! c/ a5 m to unpack most of Blu-ray ISO files;
/ I4 A2 F! f7 a' m9 j5 k0 K& Y) D; U) X$ D* E8 b
b) when browsing UDF ISO file, UDF revision number is displayed
7 g7 b7 _+ ~. J( L4 X after the "UDF" format name in WinRAR address bar, F: E+ e& W- m6 B
and in archive information dialog;
* h7 Y2 q5 d! x9 }9 A9 ?
9 z1 ?' I7 L; F1 i# y u- T c) WinRAR sets the folder modification date when unpacking folders2 v. H# g1 O+ T9 I+ U) A
stored in UDF and ISO9660 files.
1 R% ^* P. \1 q8 k: o
% o! Z6 g, Z3 y) B5 } 3. Changes in password dialog:8 L& C" B* r% \1 _2 r) {- J
2 s# K+ u f' }) N/ }' h
a) WinRAR uses the same format of password dialog both when archiving
' P# J$ h7 S2 }% ?+ O and extracting, so "Show password" option is available also4 c+ f! o, K" {" H M& ~
when extracting;
) i5 N4 i6 K) ~8 p% R( V9 c
8 o1 h$ o6 D, u* [: r' P b) "Organize passwords..." button in password dialog provides/ G/ Y0 o( [7 |! h" m' Z0 t
access to password organizer interface, where you can specify
* _" ^9 E4 d% ^% z: T' }/ Q7 x! b: p m your frequently used passwords. You will be able to access these6 H0 U; M/ @1 T: o2 d
saved passwords using the drop down list or autocomplete feature
( p+ |) W! F% H% q9 x in password dialog.
( L- d! c. A. e& E4 r8 ]! n, k8 O6 y6 J" D
It is important to know that saved passwords are not encrypted; {& h& N3 h% s
and anybody having access to your computer can view them.
- Q' l5 C3 C* d+ J( ^: R2 L% S Use "Organize passwords" feature only if your computer is
- {8 Y0 s% V; W protected from unauthorized access;
) L( n, C& j* R7 r9 b4 ~4 m; R) [4 {2 }
c) "Use for all archives" option is available in password dialog
: i P) c, ] r# U. p$ e, K when unpacking several archives at once. You can utilize it, ^- v- W. j$ R* k
to apply an entered password to all archives.
+ l, ?- r3 B- S/ o) k. n8 R4 m1 k+ O4 s3 _( J9 C7 q/ j
If you use this option with an empty password, WinRAR will skip& ^0 t$ |" h2 A9 W6 ?6 K
all encrypted archives;! Z& n* E1 `$ k0 R# k9 k% K1 T9 f
2 T' H2 x: _3 p0 ~+ F d) Unlike previous versions, the password from default compression9 Y2 B2 T- ~# Y, s. M+ L
profile is not used for extraction.+ b d' J/ R' J$ ?6 e+ m) t
6 [/ E2 J* A! o- j8 t5 K9 b) R- v
If you wish to use the same password for all extracting archives,
: ^% `/ ^# ?/ D3 W1 w. K. s press "Organize passwords..." button in the password dialog
: O8 o8 K5 b7 F and define a new password entry, specifying "*" file mask 2 Y$ Z9 W: Z5 ^. `( |/ |: D
in "Select for archives" field.
4 L" R, w6 E6 T3 }- G- s $ Y% V9 R+ X/ o
4. In Windows 7 WinRAR will display the total operation progress$ T8 R# I4 z2 S& I% ^" l
also on WinRAR icon on Windows taskbar. You can disable it using
# ?, O: m. _* P+ E "Taskbar progress bar" option on "General" page of WinRAR settings.6 S- N* }* Z3 W/ R3 _
* X8 p4 C+ N3 H3 ~ 5. Numerous Unicode support improvements allow to process non-English
$ t' G+ y( n& n8 [* k file names more smoothly. These improvements include: {$ \( u) I5 w1 |" m4 D# I# u
" U: R# T" D4 \$ F; s5 Y4 |2 R
a) better Unicode handling in WinRAR in "Rename", "Convert",
S2 i! r; _' R- l1 G7 t0 F! j "Find" and other commands, in folder tree panel, in password # S& E7 c( r( _& u% _; o0 o
request dialog and in many other parts of WinRAR interface;
5 @% G) s d4 M# a0 U$ T* y
; d4 O5 N+ F t- P! j1 | b) correctly displayed Unicode names in WinRAR items in Explorer0 G% y" x- H8 ^6 G/ m
context menus;% l8 M9 ^; E. P6 N3 S
' o* m/ D5 s; V: I' v
c) Unicode support in .lng files, making WinRAR localization" M5 n2 ]+ J3 ~" v2 ~9 g0 u- |7 {$ L
possible for Unicode only languages.) }$ H8 W; R; ^0 Q, c$ M: h* z
; b0 N8 F/ ?! c9 t& Q) Y- g h4 Q& c
6. Changes in -x<file> switch syntax. Now you can specify a wildcard
. \4 p4 E- y5 I. R( q exclusion mask for folders. Such mask must have the trailing '\'
* }& q% Q+ P ?) R# v! V$ q5 m character, like -x*tmp*\ or -x*\temp\
& O/ R: F* V9 s9 q1 P1 x2 e) K. `4 J' ?2 a R, q" I
7. New "Extract relative paths" option in "Advanced" part of extraction3 S ?/ O0 H! l6 l
dialog. If you browse some archive subfolder in WinRAR shell
* [- g/ W" b Y1 U. \4 C+ U and enable "Extract relative paths" option, the path part up to
; b3 ^& Q+ L% w- e' J+ ?& i and including the current subfolder will be removed from extracted6 ~/ l/ G7 v( ^5 d0 K
file paths.! v# ?9 R. V. B" R* n% b
6 q9 w" O6 G! Z) c7 Y+ ?
For example, if you are inside of "Backup\MyData" archive folder
0 y; k1 H8 X( s9 Y and extract "Images" folder, it will be extracted as "Images",) K) i1 W6 F0 T; B
not as "Backup\MyData\Images".
: M2 b# O: |5 v& K0 m
0 w6 T( D* R2 p0 v v This option is the new default extraction mode, but you can change( J$ A1 U# z! e9 u: u$ @
the default back to WinRAR 3.x style. Just select "Extract full paths"
% w# ]6 n- c- M& d; B and then press "Save settings" in "General" part of extraction dialog.+ S' ^, v4 c: b
+ }+ C: e1 O6 }" t7 J5 d& ~- I 8. Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows NT are not supported by WinRAR
2 `" `* v: x$ {. w$ o7 i and WinRAR self-extracting modules anymore. Minimum Windows version8 H: b1 h/ e! [7 N' e
required for WinRAR 4.0 is Windows 2000.8 O- }: f0 h" H, e9 u6 ?. O: v
5 S3 r0 _2 W4 g; ?6 Z If you need to run WinRAR on older Windows, you can download3 B+ G" A; p0 L$ ~( e3 w3 M8 w$ O
previous WinRAR versions from ftp://ftp.rarlab.com/rar5 f1 n, `" a& U9 ]9 [
3 k3 s; w6 a; n( I 9. If TAR, TAR.GZ or TAR.BZ2 archive contains symbolic or hard links( [/ R" I0 c0 G; [& k) ~
and if destination file system is NTFS, WinRAR will create these
9 D5 R, c* m# k: r# M0 d5 b9 @ links when unpacking such archive. WinRAR will create symbolic links
. ~5 U) X+ K6 l5 ~: C0 ? as symbolic and hard links as hard in Windows Vista and newer
( ~( d2 U4 f8 @( |3 `1 Z( D and it will create all links as hard in older Windows.# ~& t! O" S9 l" g, n0 k
; B/ i- [' }& [0 F
If destination file system is FAT32 or any other not supporting6 X$ b% a6 c0 A# e
file links, WinRAR will skip links when unpacking TAR, TAR.GZ& f" \4 ^ [3 b7 _
and TAR.BZ2 archives.
0 D- C7 ~3 B! O3 m0 f; c9 T B & x6 W0 ]; ]4 Q: `4 N# E$ W
10. Recovery volume processing involves less disk seek operations
: m0 H" _: x% Z, @4 @ resulting in higher performance.' z" L7 f! H6 U+ U1 u. D
( P( l0 l, H' p e( R 11. You can select Windows 7 library in tree panel in extraction dialog; @, `9 i5 t& r+ ^2 k8 F( k
and WinRAR will use its default save location as the destination path.5 T8 ], M- n, z( F
6 [( u) W* q6 E7 h 12. "Report" command allows to select HTML, Unicode text and usual text
+ u3 O2 m3 o. x8 X% L as output format for report file. Unlike previous WinRAR versions,
" f+ z6 d; d5 ^0 Y3 c" C( O now WinRAR preservers Unicode characters in reports when using HTML
- K+ f( d2 r1 t; ?, Q5 | or Unicode text format. So non-English characters in file names
1 j# r, j; p O6 f$ ]' z; s" H will be displayed properly in such reports.# ^1 z/ N! L- B9 E* B- @3 p; h6 h8 p
7 y3 Y, ~8 _2 _0 v 13. Message list in GUI SFX archives displays only operation status, k! E9 P8 \* c- a5 W; c; N* f
and error messages. It does not contain names of all extracted files
- a8 ?: R* b, [0 H }2 p& ? anymore. This change improves the speed and reduces memory requirements
8 s* y% }2 j- i: b for SFX archives containing a large number of files. Also it makes0 U% @' J( l* |, J9 w+ a
easier to locate error messages, because they are not hidden among2 i8 I9 c; @% a Z
extracted file names.( ~ J3 |) p: b6 k, X4 N
7 D6 w( V8 w7 E1 }. w% ~% p 14. GUI SFX archives display "Extract" button instead of "Install"
+ U; k5 r5 ^" [/ S2 p2 g if no "Setup" or "Presetup" commands are present in the archive
( t) @( \; F6 I7 c3 J7 X0 d comment. If you prefer "Install" button, but do not need to
5 D$ B- R. N/ m# ? execute any setup programs, you can add "Setup=<>" command.
9 e% Q: ?5 ]8 k, m. Y - J% T" j5 f4 @4 i" @8 `
15. WinRAR displays the current percent above the operation progress bar
. D( g5 E' K0 v/ }8 D6 A8 y9 { when repairing an archive containing the recovery record
% t, u) I1 L; j* Z$ i and when processing recovery volumes.
3 C. s/ ?" d% L' [
& Y: n5 O" A2 Z" [ 16. WinRAR limits the maximum possible volume size to 4 GB minus 1 byte
|8 w- H7 x" q5 M9 F when creating RAR volumes on a disk with FAT or FAT32 file system
6 g3 v# Q |4 X in volume size autodetecting mode. These file systems do not support) ]5 n) s. `* G: w$ p0 M
4 GB and larger files.6 |$ T, d7 m( l- Q
; x0 n! L: A+ y# k) p2 I 17. If "Wait if other WinRAR copies are active" option is enabled3 ^% s" v, W$ |2 h# w
and WinRAR waits for another copy, you can press "Continue" button* [8 D0 V p, A
in command progress window to force WinRAR to stop waiting.* n/ W) m( n# ~' z* E: S* {
So now "Continue" button allows to override the state of0 E7 i$ G( D( i
"Wait if other WinRAR copies are active" option for current operation.! E7 d" C! Q& s: V1 D: S4 f0 z! D" L
; ?3 G" X$ E$ N& @. Q; v, D3 p( }
18. WinRAR displays one password request instead of two, when saving
, g4 _6 T+ E- {$ u4 h( _% \4 {- h an encrypted file back to RAR or ZIP archive after modifying it, H; h9 J) h# q8 E4 K }* I
in some external editor. Previous WinRAR versions usually requested
6 }6 L2 U* P. c& t the password twice, both when extracting the original file
; f$ Q, |( _, \3 |$ i( b: u+ T and archiving its modified copy. Only RAR archives with encrypted$ O, T1 M" ~/ o
file names were processed with the single password prompt.
, \! e% F! Y4 D$ @( v# a' P8 s
% B" Y$ |5 Q: W! h- y; I9 j5 J 19. New error code 10 ("no files") is added to list of error codes
7 e4 T2 q; \. H3 z7 f% Q) X: w8 l, T( ~ returned in command line mode by RAR and WinRAR. This new code4 h4 y% x) O5 _
can be returned by archive, extract, delete and repair commands.+ H' Z ]& k% l% q
It means that RAR did not find any files matched the specified
; B0 r& T/ S% A( M f1 n0 `; T file or archive mask., _4 n" I) _- ~( K
- R- \# m. n t+ Y& o# E1 E( O% v4 Z 20. File name area in file overwrite dialog occupies several lines now.( g7 @) i. t/ O$ w; z% l
It makes possible to display much longer names.0 Z! A$ o$ e6 C' O: E2 {
6 `: o7 Z- d, S: F, N) K- D8 f6 V 21. Now switch -ep3 converts not only disk letters, but also UNC paths.+ Z* e8 V' Y, C: s) a; D' u
So \\server\share will be converted to __server\share when archiving3 ~( c7 a& c/ `! k: g9 L( v
and restored to the original \\server\share when extracting with -ep3.
+ z, `2 o8 t- t, M- i5 o; ], c. w
: K* X1 Y+ b& i3 Y7 F3 L 22. New "Background extraction" option in "Advanced" part of extraction! B3 j& ]0 J0 N, m0 }. s
dialog places WinRAR into background, when extracting files.9 q8 {+ m7 ] o8 j# B% \/ P' _
You can save its default state with "Save settings" button in "General") ~! N) x e( g7 M3 ~8 w/ K
part of extraction dialog, just like for other extraction options.
& N; B3 c5 y+ [
( c2 ]4 L) Y/ T# \4 x' y5 \$ ^ "Background archiving" option from the default compression profile: t0 ^& t; Z: n5 A7 f
does not affect the extraction behavior anymore.( u# z7 R9 Y8 h" O
& _% I2 C2 \3 \) [ 23. "Mode..." button in operation progress window is enabled also
) p. t+ G/ o* v: g* A$ i3 @ when extracting or testing archives. It provides access to
# P" e' V& X) \ "Command parameters" dialog, where you can set "Turn PC off when done"1 o. V7 X0 A: H
option for extraction and test operations.+ \8 C: D* c; y' d1 u( m- L
7 m: ?& r( M8 X) ?- J0 {$ |1 _ Previously this dialog was accessible only when archiving.) B$ ]+ C5 c$ u+ S
* H$ ^4 m7 Q/ N: l/ R) k" F" X5 z
24. Bugs fixed:% O: Y# A. G% w2 i2 M
/ T( L2 {2 X7 ^5 ] a) renaming a file in archive could also rename all other files( S3 I3 _+ y0 U, ^5 M# H! e
with the same name in other folders of the same archive;
" N% Y% H. C7 b3 {- w6 }/ o" H
1 y) N" z& `$ C4 b v( @4 }6 } b) previous versions displayed the wrong total packed size- R' E) Z& D- t K o( T1 U
in "Info" command for multivolume CAB archives;4 D9 ~1 P2 W& H u3 a
: H7 @/ Q( h# |7 K( ~) H
c) in ZIP archives 'U' (update) and 'F' (fresh) commands could
' [ ]/ Q$ G: c) p# [$ { erroneously update even files not specified in the command line.
& z: c( H; `+ m3 a! r: r It happened only for files in current folder which names matched1 T O* z9 [' j* p
files in ZIP archive. This bug was not present in usual 'A' (add)
2 C8 ^* F5 P' P, w8 z. O9 m archiving mode.# f; x: K0 M8 d- c- `" ~6 _
; ], w3 T, H$ B$ f0 E网盘下载:
0 x, j4 n( R/ \2 K. x7 Whttp://u.115.com/file/f97e58e261 |