本帖最后由 Shaman 于 2011-8-17 20:09 编辑 ! K# l0 z* q, v& _; `3 m% y7 A7 d" J* M/ N3 f2 N& u; K$ k3 L+ W
求真相的同学请看以下:. Q: V( y) C) S$ E, ]; h9 w; k
Pretty girl “hijacks” a porter and pole-dances on the street % x/ C! a6 b5 U3 \- \! x& v3 `! |: ~# J; B' c) @
Solitude will make a person depressed, loneliness will make a person emotional. As a passing bystander lingering amongst the bustling sea of people, brother has enjoyed the hurried life of steel pipe porter by himself.0 U2 y; a8 {' G1 X( a
" |' U3 {3 q5 E" _* K$ f% p4 s ; S/ k7 C& z s1 b( e+ K7 L% Y, j求娱乐的同学请看以下:. S; }( {6 ~7 Q
& N& [- c' [$ O+ e 4 k0 {, A- B9 }8 Q. F