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ARIES & P& D* N. N* a9 b8 d! p0 U
Spend this week de-cluttering and streamlining.
" u( w: q# y' J. n* k" C cWhat does that mean exactly? Well you can file documents on your computer, clean out the office, get your home sorted out, attend to paperwork, and when you’re really feeling frazzled, go for a run, mow the lawn or clean house. Most important of all, put out the garbage.
3 o: ?( ~+ Q7 i1 O( d! S1 P9 Z5 COr, in other words “get rid of what you don’t need in your life anymore” and at the same time don’t forget to look for some treasure amongst the forgotten pile…
) G8 u2 c r6 Q3 h* q. FKeep in the back of your mind that you have many transits that are helping you look at the “big picture” not the day by day ones so at the end of the day it’s not how many battles you win but whether or not you win the war. . i; K$ o" s( P2 w' ~ s
That thought will help you deal with any passing tensions or the irritations of dealing with folk who simply don’t understand the concept of boundaries or who may even be taking advantage of you. 6 T1 p% r% A8 {) u; U
Be silent if you have nothing important to say but when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say but realize that whoever angers you conquers you for that moment. Think about that for a moment because you are competitive and a winner.
0 Y' ~" b' g3 R+ ~- j+ }Besides for every day you pass feeling angry is a day you pass not being happy and anger is the most impotent of passions. It doesn’t really affect the person or situation but it can hurt you more than where it was directed. # q, b, K: b* s8 }& e
I think you are working towards something that is ultimately long term (or will have long term consequences). Irrespective of whether it’s a project or a family or emotional situation, there’s no point being waylaid by slowdowns in the short term….but the whole point of liberation from any situation is that you ultimately get out or your restructure your life. & [; F2 Y* a* X' Q- Q( Z
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7 d# e# M6 A+ S2 Y7 e
3 l* w5 u: n* O( ] y! ~+ m5 O1 I+ ZAre you interested in what is in your future? Well you should be because you’re going to be spending the rest of your life there! 8 F7 x' @( m/ g
You’ve been doing a lot of thinking about your future lately, and about your past. Something about your past is still affecting your future and until you resolve that issue from your past, you won’t be entirely free to enjoy your stellar future. 8 b: T! ^/ J( J" W# `/ {% Z
But if you continue to dwell in the past then you will become one of life’s losers. Why? Because those who succeed in life learn from the past and move on and enjoy working in the here and now towards the future. Do not fall into the trap of living in the past because it’s true that for many Bulls it’s hard to move on - you detest change including mental and emotional mindsets!
& v x/ p4 q0 e7 AIn a funny way though you’ve got a reasonable idea where all this is headed, haven’t you? I can’t stress enough that at the moment (and for a number of months to come) you are Master and Mistress of your own destiny and you can incubate whatever life plan you want. Many Bulls want to hold onto and foster their ties within their family, neighborhood or working world and yet this may be the yoke that is holding you back. Think about this. 6 b! J) Y/ J- g: f& u- z2 `4 ]
You need to show some tact this week when dealings with authority figures or with someone who has been your champion for a while. On the one hand you really do need to plan carefully for tomorrow and look after yourself - so skillful handling is required as to the role they may play in your future.
9 ?1 {# H$ |( F! s g2 g, O7 mStill I think you’ll be taking a big gamble this week (over an agreement, a plan, an understanding..), but you’re actually enjoying a bit of unconstrained behavior and risk taking for a change. # T- Z) W4 K, W6 U
If you get too nervous by your forward progress just remember that the best thing about the future is that it only comes only one day at a time!
$ @; d$ t% R/ c% k, C( `Want to know more? Ask Stellar 7 m& j# @0 j+ G
5 S7 q/ G* Z7 IGEMINI
, {7 |9 X. n: n5 v5 OKiss (yesterday) goodbye,
5 k: O+ Z) F! z+ w0 BThe sweetness and the sorrow.
. [' d9 B; Q4 C5 {( rWish me luck, the same to you. & J6 F4 `0 V% `( _9 L+ Q' T
But I can't regret…
7 |2 C/ Q3 C+ h% HIs this along the lines of what you are feeling right now? With planets in the house of beginnings and endings, you’re drawing a line in the sand over something or someone. You’re also being very quiet and “alone”. Perhaps you are sad and want to reflect or you simply need to nut out your next steps. You are doing lot of thinking about your domestic scene and those that have a place (or used to have a place) in your heart. With Mercury currently transiting your 4th house if there is anything that still needs to be said, this is the time to say it. If not now, forever hold your peace. 0 T6 e: P: S# ? G9 M2 z. `2 b
Many Gemini are simply very busy around the home and within their family circle and you could be making some “deals” regarding a dwelling – your own or somebody else’s. You’ve learnt so much over the past few years, and probably suffered enough of your share of heartache that you’ve well and truly paid your dues. * O/ `" ^9 N4 ?& a R
Your loved ones, home and domestic scene will always be important to you and you’re certainly loving in a different way than you used to be; you’ve become more empathetic and considerate. Because of that, many of the mistakes you’ve made in the past have pretty much been forgiven, although it’s been a difficult and at times a painful process.
, Y& |! r7 D1 S" @7 oYou realize that you cannot change the past or change the fact that other people have acted in a certain way (and so have you). You cannot change the inevitable but the one thing you could change has been your attitude and you’ve done just that. V7 O! ^& G6 Y! i5 b
However there are some Gemini’s who (for whatever reason) are still aching to put to bed the pain and frustrations of the past. & m% V7 X( i& x v- p
Perhaps it’s a parent/child issue or something less easily dispensed with emotionally, but you are going through (and continue to do so) the biggest learning curve of all time. Sometimes though no matter how hard it is you have to realize that once the glass is broken it can never be whole again. & P+ m) a( n0 a
What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment and you’ve learnt however never to make that same mistake again ...
, S, [* ^) u# h4 [This is the moment you can choose to make everything new. 2 W; p1 y3 o! c2 P
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3 C. g2 A3 H+ z, ^" C( Y1 p4 P: S4 k6 E) E
- x& F: ?; O U" S3 mIt’s coming to an end. The deception, the intrigue and the confusion regarding your finances, assets and career because Neptune has only a few months to go and then he’s gone from this areas of your life FOREVER. But boy are you savvy now.….and cynical and bitter and….broke. ) _. O0 A3 u; w9 o/ I4 ^! o
With Mercury in your 3rd house you are very able to get your message across succinctly and you’re going to have to do just that this week. If you have to make a moral, ethical or principle stand you must do that also, but (there’s always a “but”) don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Give a lot of thought to what you are about to embark on and then go for it. 5 I: g- |. A9 L( x+ }
But this week does mark a turning point in an ongoing dispute or a series of discussions and you may hear from a blood relative (especially if you are fighting with family). In order to make progress you may have to do something that you are reluctant to do. It may feel like one step back, but it will be two steps forward. 0 l& O, b+ G: T, |9 ?/ N" [- l% D
It may involve refinancing or seek funding and issues of titles, loans, guarantees and valuations all appear to play a part. You’re not happy in the first instance with having to go down this path however the “turning point” does work to your advantage - although there is still a strong feeling of vulnerability attached.
?4 y/ @' L$ SIf you truly feel that someone or a group is taking advantage of you then you really need to look after your own needs and it seems more important than ever to have a backup plan; maybe even run them simultaneously!
3 F; Y5 ~% e" d# ` {You’ve been in the Year of Living Dangerously since 2010 because of other people’s actions (or lack of them) so you might as have some fun of your own for a change! " R& V) s6 m8 X; v
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5 d4 ]( x! w+ L2 x4 W) C9 u# ]" x3 p
LEO # U' g# W9 S8 n7 \; x0 b
In spite of Jupiter dragging his heels in your career sector this will still remain your source of most of your satisfaction. That said, this week in particular you are enjoying a renaissance in a relationship that had gone rather stale (although this could be either business or personal). 0 l/ m! _2 l% a; ?8 }8 d2 R: h! [
Career wise you continue to make inroads professionally but more importantly (and perhaps less obviously) is how you are perceived in the public realm. Have you noticed how you command more attention and respect these days, and colleagues and authority figures are more on your side. That is if you’ve been diligent and trustworthy of course; shortcuts to success won’t fare very well now.
$ }3 _: n: u# nThat’s not to say you haven’t had the odd battles with business colleagues and partners but overall your finances are looking a hell of a lot better and you’re far more balanced in this area of life. Could you even be …(dare I say it) saving?! But you’ll be hit with a big expenditure some time this week that will hurt - although it can’t be all bad because there is the promise of welcome and pleasing news. You either get it or give it. - X9 Q5 ^: m7 M
If you have an existing relationship that is going well congratulations as your partnerships have been somewhat chaotic over the years (thanks to Neptune). You’d fall madly in love and then …..out of it, especially when you discovered that they had feet of clay.
% Q5 P- d) i' \6 U$ i" i! s8 cAnyway your old modus operandi doesn’t work any more, your outlook, beliefs and even your core personality has changed somewhat. Perhaps you’ve had a spiritual awakening of some description but you are more understanding – in fact you can see clearly – the good and the bad. $ `4 V! C0 U d& G8 L+ D( [7 b5 w
You can work well with others now, you’re not the lone wolf that you used to be as you’ve begun to realize that it can be somewhat isolated when you are too focused on Self. * w0 L9 w( Q' o7 Z' M) v: M
In fact more and more people are turning to you now seeking out your views and ideas and everyone is in love with his or her own ideas…. ! {/ [( `: k0 w; W/ s+ n
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6 Z( t! c( B% A2 R4 N8 t
/ V+ J, B* v! F, u4 M: eVIRGO
4 q# M' [! Q" NYou’re moving away from someone and in turn perhaps closer to someone else and you’ve certainly been more emotional (or at the very least rather “touchy”) than usual. You need to dwell on what is real in your life, what is changeable, what you can withdraw from and what you can resolve. You shouldn’t just keep on thinking that things will spontaneously morph into a better form, they won’t. 9 w( G+ ^ p2 m
When something goes awry you don’t cope very well, and something this week will go off the rails and send you into a spin. It’s probably a temporary issue, resolved within the next few weeks, but this week you will have a few sleepless nights or upset stomachs. You’ve got one of the smartest brains in the zodiac (Mercury like Gemini) so wrap that amazing tool you have around the problem.
6 X+ D# D; a- S7 ? VThere is a problem now, one that you’re not to sure how to address and that causing you to have a short fuse. But you’re also on top of your game now with Mercury’s transit so don’t let this issue impinge on your heightened self-confidence and expanded social opportunities. $ V0 `( } Z8 E" T! X) W
Be the leader, network with the right people and speak your mind, don’t hold anything back. You may be contacting someone who lives far away or who you haven’t spoken to for a long time.
4 ]- \5 C% d! E/ v5 r. O0 uAnd speaking of distance, many of you will be relocating overseas or at a distance from where you are now, and/or establishing overseas connections through business or your personal life. You want to shake off the dust of your existing domain and explore the world, live in a different time zone, and see foreign and, exotic things.
: r A- J$ d' N% `2 E* |But the past is also foreign; things were done very differently there…
- T- B' P }. J. wWant to know more? Ask Stellar
- y" x) f& {, u! e5 C, q& B. M. N4 {" C( h# ^
LIBRA 1 h3 Y7 Z7 _) R7 \
Have you ever tried a Haman? A Middle Eastern steam bath where you are steamed and scrubbed and thoroughly cleansed; that’s exactly what you need now. Detox yourself of the poisonous dross that you’ve had to hear and put up with of late, although it may even be closer to home - the source of your pain and discomfort. 6 P- i" s5 `4 ^5 d; s* o9 c
It does appear that you are the subjet du jour, not necessarily ridicule but of some notoriety – you are being talked about or are the topic of conversation for one reason or another.
% f W* A2 l/ i: J4 XAt any rate, this week - as much as any other - you must be very careful what you say or write, especially within a public domain.
6 o" I2 q" q$ x# T' t( U7 L1 ]If it’s your job that is currently the source of this much grief and angst, perhaps considering changing to a less stressful environment. There is absolutely no doubt that you are going through challenging times and the landscape is changing so rapidly you can hardly keep up. People are judging you by your actions and your performance - not your intentions - and whilst you may have a heart of gold, so does a hard-boiled egg! / h" W6 n9 Q$ U* l
At worst your secrets or information that is damaging to your image is being revealed and those who can benefit from such information are profiting from the exposés.
' `. m) M/ a) c+ \9 Y" lAt best you are having that long hot bath and restoring some sense of equilibrium and peace into your world. There will be an ending this week, it may even be a relief or a blessing in disguise – you are being put out of your misery in one situation – it can no longer drag you down.
4 _) D' y! b# @6 N* tFor some fortunate Libran’s, the veil of secrecy is an illicit affair or a romance that you want to keep under wraps and the weekend is one that will be positively sublime in this regard.
5 k8 S3 M: O% h/ ?For all Librans if you can hang out until mid next week for the arrival of Venus, a whole different world and vista is going to open up and beckon you in. You’ll be making inroads in areas where you currently can’t see eye-to-eye and not only will you recover some ground, you’ll actually advance for a change!
# I( ~% B K! {; Z* }) d& iWant to know more? Ask Stellar 8 O- P- c: u+ O) @, J
1 @/ y% U+ i% l f