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/ F8 M4 j* T5 p, V3 N1 m" i9 T' g& D- ~5 O, p
6 X5 [/ a8 ~) {9 y3 k, M
; J) L0 _! a7 j: uA return to harmony is announced, this year. You will feel a desire to prune all that is useless in your life. You will have to act especially on this level there, to go on in the right direction. Your realism is stronger, which comes owing to the fact that you start a new jupiterian cycle which will facilitate the wheels of all your projects. The course of your life slackens through the most painful daily newspaper and especially its aspects. Your entourage, more reconciling, supports you more. And you return to them well! The changes of last year carry out you towards more freedom, with the daily newspaper. This is ideal to reinforce your most expensive bonds.
L: v- r; d! R& mWORK 5 w4 T, ~9 m9 ]6 l
( e+ p! p |+ Z$ Z: u+ C
Your professional life evolves in lower part, this year. Seemingly all is calm, serene, regular. But actually it is woven many changes, which will hatch in September to start. And which next February, will progress notably. You will need to start to consider a change of career, a specialization, but whatever it is, a desire of progress mingles with your actions. If you have an artistic profession, your inspiration will be tormented but powerful, here the moment to express what is deeper in you! The industrial relationships gain in-depth, in spite of the divergences which will not miss this year… . P6 \: J2 S# Q7 ?! H
0 n( a% S/ \2 Y
) F% H- R5 B9 t) D8 {The course of your emotional life is stabilized, this year. After the tornadoes of last year, you will be able to taste more serenity! You will not miss immediate reactivity, but you will be able to channel best. Your energy spontaneously will allow you d' to have some lengths d' advances. Bad interpretations of last year are not any more than a bad memory. You understand the relational wheels best. If you are single, your meetings will be impressed of harmonize, of common ideals, of fraternity. Your friendly life supports your loves, more than ordinary. The impulses of Mars will support moments of intense passion, that your libido will follow without problems! If you are in couple currently, this is really the moment to dialogue openly with your partner. The messages circulate easily, you will be received five out of five. With you to bring closer more to your partner, you will facilitate your communication. Displacements will be related to your love life. You will do lot of mileage to join the elected official of their heart! Whatever your current location, you will be able this year to concretize many your hopes in this field, provided that you accept to largely open your heart and to show you as you are.
1 i `$ c8 s N, x1 ?3 v5 W- rMONEY - J* A# E' Y4 T, Z0 L3 w: E2 Y
- q1 l6 G+ U, F: W5 U
The material questions this year are highly facilitated. You will not fail to aim just to address to you to those which can open doors to you. Indeed, the powerful Jupiter aspects, Mars and Mercury as well will bring to you a current of chance concerning cash. This is the ideal moment this year to start your company, to plan to change work, or to claim this than one owes you, even for a long time. You will have facilities to show you reasonable in front of the windows… Except for those which you like! All that touches with the commercial transactions and research related to profits is favoured. Do not hesitate to announce your talents, humility will not bring back anything to you. + C1 S) |, Y) D. [
! F/ m* {2 w5 ~' ?4 D3 {3 z5 r7 U6 [2 o
The astral tendencies of this year more encourage you to be sharp in your judgements. The impulses of Mars, your main planet reinforce your expression, even while remaining passive. You will have to make an effort of diplomacy to attach your impulsiveness, which tends to being the first, your door word. Of course, you must listen to your desires, your needs but also, you must compose with reality and the temperament of your interlocutors to be able to render comprehensible to you and to find the means; to reach the realization of your desires. The aspects of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus will create situations which require your share a catch of retreat and reflexion. Do not decide anything final in the fire of your requirements, of your needs, this is by making an effort of reflexion of calm mental which you will come to end from situations which could quickly become complicated.
# P% m: j, N! H" ]* I1 DVITALITY
1 j4 h% m( @- E# J
% u' I' @- f# D* g% u; q/ mYour energy will know tops and bottoms this year. These variations will depend particularly on your emotional state. Your sensitivity, sharper than ordinary, is likely to take much to you; energy if you plunge to see the things under an alarmist angle, even if in all objectivity, the situation is not. Resist temptation to create domestic dramas for trifles, like making your requirements of the laws impossible to circumvent… Anger is not good adviser and leaves afterwards you without energy, you know it already. The first three months the planetary impulses of the year push you to spend enormously energy through the services rendered to your entourage. You will need to cut you world in end-of-day, do not hesitate to disconnect your telephone !
4 ]' W( n. I7 C: F: \3 O
3 e9 }/ Z4 \. ^' t金牛:
0 n. }6 P' {1 b& o4 O! m, x/ P
3 @8 c& V# `" K. M/ [% eGENERAL 9 }: N( n7 u9 h
' i* ]. O' G6 M* k. SAfter the changes of last year, you will need to replant your bases according to your personal designs. And this is in the most total authenticity which you will be able to reach. The external events follow a sustained rhythm, which obliges you to remain combative. Jupiter pushes you to act in a broader direction. You will have to think of so many things at the same time, than there will not be obvious to remain centered! Your projects in progress are for most serious, long-term. What will advance to you in the good sense this is especially not to burn stages. Make your provisions to have time. / X0 j& ?1 H. ?; \: \6 f I4 i
WORK 0 e. h# C: v# I- J1 C4 W
5 P. f# j. W. A* i( L
You resolutely go up your handles, this year, on the professional level. As much to say that you will not miss to be quickly overflowed by the quantities of work to cut down! That will last until December. Among all these tasks, you will have to disentangle essence of the secondary. If you are looking for employment, this year will be perfect to leave makes an attempt. You can usefully put gum in your research, if you center them in the field of the sale, the chances are even stronger to rebuild your career. Your energy will be channeled more readily in the professional field, you will take pleasure to prove reliable, to advance further, and to look further into your knowledge, directly on the ground.
" c! Q$ }+ K9 b L& F: zLOVE & ~& e& K' O e8 e; T6 ^
1 M! }& D9 t3 A0 _ O" Y3 Z
Your emotional sky is stabilized, this year. And especially reduces of the interior tensions which stirred up you so much last year. You consider your sentimental situation with more balance. This mental understanding will help you considerably to analyze your acts passed, with better understanding certain subtleties. The sentimental bonds appear easier to you, because you see more clearly how to act to reach your desires. You will be ready to make efforts to bring you closer to your partner, or to change certain things to support the good meetings. You will have in heart to apply you in the refinement of your bonds, and especially in withdrawing what is not essential. The pure seduction and lasts, for the only pleasure of liking will not be enough for you. An intense need; authenticity will push you to act in a constructive direction. If you are unmarried in this moment, you will see your emotional needs still growing. You will attract the enthusiastic and benevolent people more. You will put the twice the work to benefit from the pleasures of love in duet. If you are in couple currently, your partner will be more involving to live to two of the moments of escape. It will be essential to put side some of your daily practices to benefit fully from these possibilities. Do not hesitate to take spare time with two, far from the world !
4 I7 R) V0 F/ ^4 R& ?( P4 m' jMONEY 1 T. Y$ ?, j4 m7 h7 ?
3 y& [; Q* k6 k- m. @Although you have more things to think and weigh that last year, you will face until the end. This is the moment to make long-term forecasts, to develop strategies to acquire the house of your dreams, or to increase your inheritance. The relative questions with the financial placements are very favoured, particularly. On the other hand, your entourage does not incite you to make proof of economy, quite to the contrary. You will have to apply brakes if you wish to achieve your goals. Your direction of the diplomacy will be useful to you to buckle your budget without creating tensions. If you belonged to the first decan of your sign, you will have to redouble of attention on the promises that the one will make you during the last two months of the year. Check the veracity of the things before signing anything.
4 Z7 y% D- H1 P2 }& L1 b a! VRELATIONSHIP
3 \6 ?, S& a! M+ G' U4 r2 Q8 k: ~8 H) z
The planetary impulses in aspect with your sign go this year, to in the broad sense galvanize your energy towards the outside world. What will allow you to have more impact and control on your destiny, like your entourage. On the other hand, there exists a risk. To find the point of balance between your desires and those of the others will be the keystone essential with your balance, this year. It will be essential of miser on the basic communication without any pretences to arrive and by putting distances between you and your emotivity ! 4 p4 H& C% y0 e! z6 d
VITALITY : ?( u4 v. ?. x7 h4 x' c3 M
$ ~1 }. X; U" K' d7 z0 a$ h) L \Your balance will depend in most of management of your time, this year. Much action in basic prospect. Add to that of the changes of life to create, which engage you with the long run you and your entourage, and you obtain a clashing mixture, which is likely to lead you to accesses of intense tiredness. It will be essential to spare your energy reserves, by misant all access on balance your timetable. Then on the contents of your plate! Indeed, your greediness tends to amplify and to make you consume more useless sugars, greases. Privilege green vegetables absolutely to balance your meals, also supervise your contributions in vitamins, which burn more quickly than ordinary, this year. Your metabolism requires more pure energy without toxin contributions which can only weigh you down. & N- Q: k9 r9 O
I& F- y/ @8 f# i3 R" x2 N8 f
双子: 9 @/ |8 r+ `7 B8 M. h) q
6 t& ^% `: ~' d% JGENERAL + m. G9 ?& L8 e3 B6 G& N3 x
' R. c% N* l- F/ K! y
This starts again, this year; activities, actions, projects in all kinds. The impulses of Uranus in sextile come to instigate the course of your life of new hopes, new projects. If you find your life too monotonous, you will be able to spice the whole! New knowledge will mark out your course. This is the Duet of Uranus and Jupiter in aspect with your sign which go a certain way, to oblige you to leave your reserve. The efforts will be profitable especially if you devote them to your relations. Your adaptability will cause satisfaction. The compromises are easier to set up, this is the moment to agree to take walkabouts ! ) W3 y, h i) L. T0 { O
/ K0 { Z+ |9 a- V% l! l/ ]- q' J
You will profit from more peace that last year in the professional field. Indeed, the planetary influences slow down the tempo and bring a major serenity to you. What will enable you to revise your plan of career to the calm one, to take stock still further that last year. You already at the head have objectives which are completely valid and positive. And this additional retreat will help you to find new ways to arrive there. This germination s' accelerate as from May. This is then that you will pass to pure action and lasts, and that your contacts will be more active to support you in the direction of your evolution. The commercial businesses are particularly well faced during the season of autumn. % d5 _ K8 u+ o
LOVE & h( r! |) F3 j8 W2 @9 C! A
. V' w* q0 t5 l' aYour love life gets intense, this year. The unsolved questions of last year take width, thus an increased importance. Whatever your current location, you will have to face fundamental awakenings for the twelve months to come. The lightness of last year will have enabled you to take forces to face basic problems now. You will feel a strong need to be constant, liked, and that it is expressed, especially! Your emotional needs go back largely to surface and make to you more emotive than ordinary. What can give place to moments particularly stirring up. Frustrations of the past arrive in force, and that will wake up your impatience to fill these desires. All will depend on the good management of your moods and your capacities of cold blood! If you are in couple currently, your relation will be the ideal place to affirm your desires. You will have facilities to show to your partner what must change to improve your relation. Wait until the reciprocal one is true… The impulses of Mars predispose you with the polemic, this year; it will be essential to avoid the conflict situations. The dialogue in calm even if it is more difficult to install, will be more favorable to you than arguments! If you are single in this moment, you will make more meetings than last year. 3 z% F" ], E0 m% @2 p. p
MONEY - @: Z O4 U+ ~# k
& ?) B2 [6 e, L+ rYou will begin the year with a conscience increased from the least pleasant aspects of money of this world. A certain pessimism encourages you to make proof d' a certain cynicism, scorn of the material. This is black or white, you scorn money or you will adore for the pleasures it can bring! The external circumstances on the other hand will be more positive than you think it, you will find occasions to consolidate the cords of your purse. Even if that will not go without minimum efforts… But this is on this point which you should act to avoid these pessimistic tendencies: You would be well inspired to lean you on the major reasons which push you with this scorn, and to admit that money belonging to the life, you must balance your budget by putting more reason in your accounts.
9 ^6 }1 ]# |( F! wRELATIONSHIP * R* Q$ t3 [7 {6 E% b5 O3 z
- h: ]5 ^, y8 U7 l! {; _8 KThe major aspects of your sky of this year push you, in a general way, with a certain detachment of the material aspects of existence, with the profit of a more abstract interior development. Concretely, that implies that you will be more inattentive than ordinary, much more inclined with the basic reflexion. You arrive at the end of an uranian cycle which this year, leads you to explore you even more you, and even in your tendencies less reluisantes. Of this fact it is not impossible that you arrive at you under estimating and has to make you feel guilty facts of the past, without that being useful. Quite to the contrary: this is by making errors that one progresses, learns the lessons and carries on your road without you to let paralyse not negative feelings. You need to advance, there is your priority !
0 `* P2 u! A G2 O* y. qVITALITY ) i, F: L+ h0 j% ]4 A. d9 ~
9 b5 A2 L: @! | T4 q) G0 l
The turning of your life this year comes to support a certain deceleration of your general metabolism. Indeed, the planetary influences of Mars and Mercury, your planet main in aspect with your sign will make evolve your psychism to great questions… That asks for a considerable basic energy, mine of nothing to you, to think of all the aspects of your life take to you much. A risk of mental fatigue can appear, if you made not in kind preserve moments of relaxation which finally, will not be a luxury! The artistic entertainments will be advantageous for you, do not hesitate to grant you some exits to decompress… Even if finally your physical-activity and muscular is not important.
* W/ h4 z3 ?8 m. c$ K
+ T; e; q) L1 m i巨蟹:
( X: M3 g/ m6 g, W* B _4 F% ^: e& Q
GENERAL 1 d" z4 ^8 ]0 p( M0 o1 u: x
6 d n* o0 ^3 }( F0 S, v% e
Jupiter, your planet main in sextile with your sign announces changes of situations in your relationship with entourage. Children will claim more independence. A partner who launches out in a new project, a friend who sees his upset life… Any bulge around you, your world is in concrete evolution. That will cause changes in you even too. Your audacity is in clear rise, which is ideal to leave situations of dependence, in the broad sense.
' d; k7 d- q( p* kWORK
* v. }% C* N5 Q' O9 g+ T! L/ u
. K. b: A% z. h, r' j) sJust like last year, you will have to work hard to arrive at tangible results. On the other hand, the efforts will cost you less, you feel more armed to face the sometimes inevitable difficulties of your course. You more have confidence in you and at the same time conscience of energy which you must deploy if you want to arrive at your objectives. The increase in your ambitions follows this rising curve. The external circumstances that you will meet will cause of the creative catches which will be revealing of latent capacities which are in you and see their awakening being revealed. It is to be especially envisaged strong moments and potentially positive during the first three months of the year.
% H8 q8 g# k4 l6 n; Y# l$ Q. GLOVE 4 A; n) a {1 h( @- G
% J0 |) R' H C7 K; O2 |" IYour love life brings more serenity to you that last year. The impulses of Uranus, Mercure and Venus will facilitate basic stability in the sky of your loves, which will enable you to live your imaginations in all quietude. Your natural softness is in rise and helps you to round the angles, to raise your relations towards more balance and peace. You will seek to give a direction to your loves, to fix you clear objectives. In a word, with you " to give on the rail". Not so simple… How to carry out this dream? Also could you take many steps in order to concretize your ideals. Your attitude will be frank, specific to clear up the feelings of your partner. This is the moment to speak about your doubts in any frankness, because you will be able to make it without you show aggressive nor wounding. This year supports the new meetings highly. If you are in an ambiguous situation, double, turbid, you will find there more advantages than disadvantages. Paradoxically, you will be able to find peace between situations very different to each other. The question of the sentimental responsibilities arises during spring and the summer particularly; you will have to position firmly in this direction and to make a definite decision. If you are single in this moment, the chance is with you and will allow you; to be more selective, the meetings are denser. Among them is the able person to light fires of passion, be careful to the love at first sight ! & g; Z& H, t b4 W0 f
MONEY W) G3 T& E2 ]7 C6 K
, V f3 ~9 f3 o! b% Z
The course of your financial businesses evolves in the good sense, this year. You distinguish more easily than you must make to maintain or find a financial balance which is appropriate to you. Many the sextiles which clarifies your sector this year will support the increase in your incomes which will have all the chances to diversify occasion consequently. To find a work supplement, a new product to be diffused here which is with your range, for little that you make profitable the fruitfulness of your creativity. The last two months of the year will enable you to pay debts or invoices on standby, which will cause to reduce you spirit and to set out again of more beautiful towards the increase in your tangible properties. 8 N S- d" r: J- V
RELATIONSHIP 8 ~; c: q! X/ o! f$ s- v
' P4 E8 M# v$ I' l5 N4 g# M0 u7 Y
The Jupiter impulses in aspect with Uranus in a friendly sign will make you bubble of new ideas, in all the fields. Your inspiration will not be lacking, but you will have to keep the cool head and especially to associate that with plans; actions maturely considered to arrive at the realization of your objectives. You will tend to pack you at once and thus to burn stages however essential with the realization of your ideas The impulses of Pluto commit you to give a progress report on state of your finances, your goods, and to make safe your situation, in particular at the legal level.
& U9 Y* J" Z. N/ Q7 I( ?- R% uVITALITY % I4 l) @; B! {0 h- v$ V, d
. x E" H4 |" M8 _8 j9 Y2 SYour general form is seen constant by the influences of the Sun, Mars, Mercure and Venus joined together. You will not lack of energy. Moments of absolute calm, you pass in states of inopportune dynamism. It is to be envisaged a lull in your changes of moods which will have beneficial effects on your metabolism. This level, you will have then the greatest facilities to undertake a mode, to stop bad habits. Your organization has more facilities of adaptation to this type of changes, all the levels. You will have to be wary of your own distraction to avoid the wrenches.
, B; ?6 `( l' M" j3 u
" U( O4 J# Q% ] n |