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本帖最后由 hotdogzx 于 2011-10-14 14:14 编辑
& g2 Y% K: r. B' h7 s4 }3 r. \
- w) D3 H& a7 g5 c M& NAn editor in China 编辑中国行3 ?+ m- [9 Y: I m* Z0 C) k
October 11, 2011 By Elise Diamantini
l2 }8 T$ }! S; S: G4 m本文链接:http://www.mrketplace.com/20701/an-editor-in-china/4 o9 o) \3 X; g8 A# k. G' V
8 m7 Z- G6 X9 z5 P* i% ?$ J2 ZLast week, I had the most incredible opportunity to see the other side of the world on a trip to China! The Natsun Group (who owns and produces the Paul Betenly brand for the States) invited me to celebrate the company’s 30th anniversary. This was my first time traveling to China and I had no idea what to expect. I survived the 13 hour flight thanks to some good movies (I highly recommend Rachel Getting Married) and my trusty eye mask to help me catch a few Z’s (a BIG thanks to Sal Giardina for recommending that little trick…).
5 l! d2 l: M6 ^$ T, i0 |7 e上周我得到一个千载难逢的机会,有幸能到世界另一边的中国旅行。南山集团(拥有世界著名品牌保罗•贝塔尼,产品也销往美国。)邀请我参加了该公司30周年庆典。这是我第一次中国行,去之前我不知所期,毫无头绪。经过13小时的飞行我毅然活了下来,因为幸好有一些电影的陪伴(强烈推荐《蕾切尔的婚礼》),和我那忠实的眼罩,戴上后让我能在高空小睡一会儿(超感谢Sal Giardina同志向我推荐了这个小技巧)。
- O; P5 Y1 c! Y% w
[/ I9 q4 ] Q1 Q: VElise Diamantini and Mr. Ding' o g5 L1 D# J _& S4 C. @$ [: I! H
We spent the first two days in Beijing where I met Mr. Ding, the head designer for Paul Betenly’s Chinese line. Ding has killer style and a creative eye. In Asia, the brand is a forward, contemporary lifestyle collection focused on sportswear (though there are tailored pieces too). There are 16 Paul Betenly stores in China, two of which are in Beijing and sit next to high-end retailers like Lane Crawford and Louis Vuitton.7 ~% R9 ]# Y5 A9 s7 b' ?/ w
我们在北京待了两天,并与丁先生会面。他是保罗贝塔尼中国生产线的总设计师。丁的风格绝伦,眼光独特创意无限。在亚洲,贝塔尼品牌的产品集中在运动休闲系列(虽然也有些偏正式款),表现前端、现代的生活格调。中国有16家贝塔尼门店,其中有两家在北京,均坐落在像连卡佛(Lane Crawford)和路易威登(Louis Vuitton)这样的高端卖场。) r O( x2 j5 _9 ]. }( x0 H' i
1 y4 l8 i, F$ B7 B* j XZorro, Stacy and Mr. Ding
1 w F4 O$ {( N8 b. V
4 h; X1 {6 u. ]5 R+ n% d' ?Mr. Ding is thoughtful and beyond sweet (he was always carrying my bag or camera case for me) but doesn’t speak much English, so his translator Matt, a.k.a. Zorro, helped us communicate with each other. He led us on a scenic walk to dinner along Lake Hou Hai, a manmade lake lined with moody weeping willow trees and bright yellow lights. After dinner we continued down Nanluoguxiang, a narrow street filled with bars, cafes, shops and the super cool, Hong-Kong based clothing store, Initial: The Unusual Experience. The Beijing outpost opened in August 2011 and stocks avant garde-styled men’s and women’s apparel. And details like black exposed brick walls and unique furniture and fixtures add to the store’s cool, downtown atmosphere.% J6 U; V0 e5 {4 m+ C4 S
丁先生思想丰富并且非常绅士,但他不会说英语,所以他的翻译Matt(别名Zorro)帮助我们相互沟通。丁先生带我们到后海边散步,还共进了晚餐。后海是一个充满和风垂柳的湖,明亮的黄色晚灯辉映在湖畔。晚餐后我们到南锣鼓巷继续参观。南锣鼓巷是一条窄窄的街道,遍布着酒吧、咖啡馆、购物小店。里面还有一家名为“The Unusual Experience”的很有情调的香港服饰店。北京的这家店2011年8月开始营业,经营先锋派男女装。店中诸如裸露的黑砖墙、独特的家具和照明等细节让商店更加具有酷炫感和都市感。% W6 i/ Y& P1 E5 k- ~4 I- {
9 C1 B/ M2 L$ M4 Z, `: V5 `0 @View of Natsun. w# o/ _; D0 t& w8 m
, `# ^: n% @" U; r$ N! a
I spent the next day observing design and strategy meetings at the Paul Betenly offices in Beijing and then flew to Yantai to spend a few days at Natsun. I got the official tour of their 26 sq. mile compound (seven hotels, six golf courses, a cultural center, vineyard, aluminum factories, Nanshan University which has 35,000 students, power plants, the list goes on….), and a behind the scenes look into their completely vertical operation. Natsun is capable of manufacturing product from beginning (they own a sheep pasture in Australia) to end (wholesale, retail and on-site concept stores). Some of Natsun’s manufacturing capabilities include: textile mills (two wool mills: Natsun for high volume and Fillarte mill which is capable of producing fabrics with low minimums) testing facilities, tailored, sportswear and shirting factories and a shipping warehouse. It was incredible to see the quality control and process of creating a garment first hand. But stay tuned, because there will be much more on all of that in the January issue of MR…
7 ^, L% f# O6 N7 d$ @; i5 v6 E我第二天有幸目睹了北京保罗贝塔尼公司的设计战略研讨会。会后,便飞往烟台在南山总部度过了几天。我正式参观了他们26英亩的庞大园区(7座酒店、6个高尔夫球场、一座文化中心、葡萄园、铝厂、有35000学生的南山大学、发电厂等等,还有很多很多……),并走到幕后了解了他们的纵深管理。南山具有从头到尾的产品生产线(他们在澳洲有绵阳牧场,终端可以批发、零售,还有直营的概念店。)。南山的生产能力包括:面料厂(两家毛纺织厂:南山着重于精纺,飞拉特注重原材料利用率。),检验部门,定制、运动休闲、衬衫加工厂和一个运输货栈。能亲眼见到如此高质量管理的成衣加工过程,真是难以置信。但请继续关注,因为明年一月MR杂志的月刊将报道更多的内容。0 Q' x. R0 y% @9 ]' @7 y5 |, Y8 I2 {
" P9 `3 Q/ E0 |/ p" v" T
My Last day in Beijing was unforgettable—I never imagined that I would ever climb the Great Wall of China! (Many thanks to Judy from Judy Dong Tour for being an awesome guide!) The Great Wall stretches 8,851 kilometers (5,500 miles) west across China, divided into sections for sightseers to explore its different parts. We went to the Mutianyu Great Wall which spans 1.4 miles is 23.26 feet high and 4-6 yards wide with 22 watch towers along the way. We rode partway up in a cable car and climbed the rest of the way. At the top, we had the most breathtaking views of gorgeous green mountains. But the best part of it all was Speed, the toboggan ride we took to get back down to the bottom of the Great Wall!* s! b1 X2 Y5 C
在北京的最后一天更是令人难忘——我从未想过我会爬上中国的万里长城。(很感谢导游Judy,她非常棒!)长城自西向东全长8851公里(5500英里),横跨中国,分为若干段,供游客欣赏。我们去的慕田峪长城长1.4英里,有23.26英尺高,宽4-6码,沿途有22座嘹望塔。我们乘出租车行了一半路程,剩下的一半步行。在顶上,我们一睹了壮丽青山,令人神往。但最有意思的却是下山时的“速度”,我们竟乘的雪橇下的长城!; E/ v6 _+ S$ }
Thank you to everyone at Natsun for your wonderful hospitality, giving me a behind the scenes look into your business and inviting me to share in your 30th anniversary festivities!4 \2 D0 ?3 _6 E# k. a# A
衷心感谢南山集团的极度慷慨,让我有幸对您的产业大开眼界,同时感谢南山邀请我一同感受了公司30年庆的无比恢弘!7 u* g3 b9 ^' T' ^+ P$ N