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本帖最后由 亚马逊HR 于 2012-2-1 10:56 编辑 + Z% ]8 M" E% j y5 @2 [
$ y( P$ u s; Y, IArea Manager Trainee Campus Recruiting 2011/2012
d- {$ k1 Y8 T! x3 _(简历投递截止日期2012.02.29)5 u, l- _1 J! F4 }5 a
Area Manager Trainee/管理培训生(目标城市:成都、广州、武汉、南宁、苏州)
' u) t0 q0 t; MThe Junior Leadership Development Program is open to high caliber Graduates who will become our Area Managers in the future, and develop further into larger positions. The program will typically be a 12 month structured scheme, which will be operationally focused, and will enable new hires to the program to:
% o5 @, D& G0 Z+ q. n• Build an understanding of the full breadth of our business* L+ P" t/ e. z& R( X
• Develop a working knowledge of lean management and 6 sigma theories
1 A0 m6 p- x! A( i. ]5 e' M• Gain an understanding of how we work, who we are and how we stay as leaders in a fast moving and ever changing environment' ?- q. O( x2 x+ p( l: j. K; t. b( T
• Learn new skills and applies them to real life projects% D1 ^8 U- O% F4 x
• Develop their own potential through being exposed to key areas of the business; y( z) l- s8 P' }4 ]: w
• Benefit from internal experience through on-going support# {, \$ C" y- K9 l# h1 {
• Have a clear goal to work towards and the skill set to be able to take on a full time AM role at the end of the development period.8 V2 U% z I( A- W9 ?6 I9 q
The successful graduates from the program will be appointed Area Managers with the following responsibilities:
/ C: o3 E9 |9 ^. I. Z" X: y4 j• Lead and develop a team of 25-50 associates to meet performance objectives and KPIs in order to achieve accuracy and quality of customer promise expectations: B. X! b2 a8 q) ?( h8 w; b
• Development and execution of daily and weekly action plans in order to meet department and FC performance KPIs
. Y! @1 p O/ D5 _• Continuously improve the functionality and level of service by exceeding functional productivity goals through data analysis and improvement of function processes and procedures
$ p7 C* T+ L0 p3 d6 s; I• Coordinate shift distribution activities to obtain optimum distribution and utilization of the Associate workforce, machines, equipment and material( Y' c! P: l: f, r
• Revise production schedules and priorities as a result of equipment failure or operating problems* g5 i! z. |0 X" ^! \( m
• Partner with management to establish and maintain quality control standards, take corrective action as necessary and document the lapses# \+ i; ?) F9 e$ h' y1 K2 J
• Proactively communicate policies and regulations to associates, and follow up to ensure compliance and consistency5 n, N: P5 G. s1 K
• Create, manage and supporting recognition and communication programs that foster an environment of teamwork for associates and peers& i8 I, J1 U1 [' g, a
• Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP);
- Q& Y& q4 r i" R. MLiaise with Global IT team through weekly meetings and/or trouble-shooting platform to improve system behavior and/or drive system issues to closure* M* G0 V* E6 x+ p
• Support all safety programs to ensure a safe work environment for all associates
6 A8 G. A5 M" @; [• Ensure all procedures are followed for building security and product loss prevention
2 j, P" K3 w. q: oSuccessful candidates will demonstrate the potential to motivate others to meet production goals in an extremely deadline-driven environment, have strong communication skills in both mandarin and English, and a working knowledge of MS Office - Outlook, Word, Excel, and SharePoint.
% y& y1 N3 r. [4 b. B1 B2 j关于亚马逊中国
) C. E E* G Y/ k亚马逊中国是全球最大的电子商务公司亚马逊在中国的网站。秉承“以客户为中心”的理念,亚马逊中国承诺“天天低价,正品行货”,致力于从低价、选品、便利三个方面为消费者打造一个百分百可信赖的网上购物环境。7 o- c' W, M% P
1 U! T' f- D* M. h$ S2 V& X; h' Q亚马逊中国拥有业界最大最先进的运营网络,目前有10个运营中心,分别位于北京(2个)、苏州、广州、成都、武汉、沈阳、西安、厦门、昆山,总运营面积超过40万平米。其主要负责厂商收货、仓储、库存管理、订单发货、调拨发货、客户退货、返厂、商品质量安全等。同时,亚马逊中国还拥有自己的配送队伍和客服中心,为消费者提供便捷的配送及售后服务。
0 ]2 |4 U% x. G A) p# I• 通过亚马逊中国的不懈努力和消费者的大力支持,亚马逊中国每年都保持了高速增长,用户数量也大幅增加。在未来的发展中,亚马逊中国将进一步丰富产品种类,加强用户体验,力争以最丰富的选品、最具竞争力的价格和最优质的客户体验成为中国消费者的首选网上商城。 ! i* V2 L1 S1 N/ D+ ~
• 关于亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)
; Z+ V% e! I0 K7 Q6 j• 亚马逊公司(纳斯达克代码:AMZN)是一加“财富500强”公司,总部位于西雅图,成立于1995年7月,目前已成为全球商品种类最多的网上零售商。亚马逊致力于成为全球最“以客户为中心”的公司,使客户能在公司网站上找到和发现任何他们想在线购买的商品,并努力为客户提供最低的价格。亚马逊和其他卖家提供数百万种独特的全新、翻新及二手商品,类别包括图书、影视、音乐和游戏、数码下载、电子和电脑、家居和园艺用品、玩具、婴幼儿用品、杂货、服饰、鞋类、珠宝、健康和美容用品、体育、户外用品、工具、以及汽车和工业产品等。
: z* }* _* t% u2 ^8 y' z• 亚马逊云计算服务(Amazon Web Services)为亚马逊的开发人员客户提供基于其自有的后端技术平台的云基础架构服务。利用该技术平台,开发人员利用该技术平台可以实现几乎所有类型的业务。最新一代Kindle是迄今为止最轻、最便携的Kindle产品,采用最先进的6英寸电子墨水显示器,即便在强烈的阳光下也能提供如纸质书般的阅读体验。Kindle Touch是Kindle家族新成员,在兼备最先进的电子墨水技术全部优点的同时,其触摸屏设计让翻页、搜索、购物和记录等功能更加易用。Kindle Touch 3G是最高端的电子阅读器,拥有与Kindle Touch相同的设计和功能,而免费的3G服务则让其具有无可比拟的便捷性。Kindle Fire是Kindle家族的新成员,支持电影、电视、音乐、书籍、杂志、应用软件、游戏以及网页浏览等多种功能,并可享受亚马逊的免费云存储服务,同时还应用了Whispersync技术、Amazon Silk浏览器(亚马逊最新推出的革命性云加速浏览器),并具备色彩生动的触摸屏和强大的双核处理器。 |# s3 [1 A$ s8 Z B+ i6 j
应聘者需投递简历至 wujingw@amazon.com , 所有简历请在主题中注明学校、专业、姓名、应聘职位,并在其中标明获得招聘信息来源!
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