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5 t& d6 A. k- P' E3 L$ ]
# d1 r# O: L$ P% y. @& `' \/ P
) @( s U' ]3 d' u+ PA collection of images taken with scanning electron microscopes (SEM) has been pieced together by London-based science author, Brandon Broll, into a book titled Microcosmos. The images cover anything from household items to human body parts. Here are a selection of our favourites. This is an amazing image of a wood or heathland ant, Formica fusca, holding a microchip 伦敦科学作家布兰登布罗尔收集了一系列扫描电镜拍摄的照片并由此构成了他的新书《微观世界》。图片的对象包括从家居用品到人体器官的各种物体。这里精选一些以飨读者。这是一只黑蚂蚁,品种可能为木蚂蚁或石楠蚂蚁,蚂蚁衔着一个微芯片。+ y, ?1 \$ {) e. p" K6 s

8 v! |6 C# @; x3 E1 k% d
5 {' A j5 G# I/ [Taken by over 30 'microscopists' using a variety of powerful microscopes, the images in the book charter a voyage through a miniature world showing the unlikeliest parts of our lives in minuscule detail. This is the surface of an EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) silicon microchip. 图片出自超过30名“显微镜专家”,器材为各种强大的显微镜。书中的图像通过微观世界的视角,为我们展示了生活中最不可思议的细节。这是一个EPROM微芯片的表面。
, K1 X# G, S2 r( v0 N% z+ c 2 Z& a2 {1 z: w$ R6 n, Q
/ N8 d4 ~3 }/ f2 U; {- Athe book focuses on six sections including 'zoology', 'the human body' and 'botanics'. This is a false-colour scanning electron micrograph of the surface of a strawberry 该书的主要内容包括生态、人体和植物等六大部分。这是伪彩色扫描电镜下的一颗草莓。
: N$ A F8 V# a: ^# t- E2 S 8 C! \0 E5 F3 Y6 {- I9 ~
! j& G1 b# u% X5 N/ h' k& V
London-based science author Brandon Broll, who specialises in science and health writing, said: "The book will show readers the beauty of what is too small to see with the naked eye." This is an image of bacteria on the surface of a human tongue 伦敦科学作家布兰登布罗尔专注于科学和健康写作,他说:“这本书会展示给读者肉眼无法看到的微观美景。”这是人舌头表面一个细菌的照片。) s9 }3 C$ H, X

# e+ R3 H" J+ Z5 {8 s# U
% a. E" a A: L. v& C" TThis is human sperm (spermatozoa), the male sex cells 人类精子 - 男性性细胞, }5 ~$ q# J* I, M

G% ^" ?3 u" S$ F
6 ^" m$ p6 t1 \5 `The other three sections, 'minerals', 'technology', and 'microorganisms' delve deeper into the tiny world existing under our noses. These are the nylon hooks and loops of velcro 其他三个部分 - 矿物、科技和微生物,视角对准随处可见的物体。这是尼龙粘链(魔术贴)。
$ N s3 T* y4 H+ `- }. W5 k Q" @
4 {: E! E5 L: E- s2 l* w/ ^( R, C1 @) N. m
Household dust which includes long hairs such as cat fur, twisted synthetic and woollen fibres, serrated insect scales, a pollen grain, plant and insect remains 家庭灰尘,可以看到包括猫毛,扭曲的合成和羊毛纤维,锯齿状的昆虫鳞屑,花粉粒,植物和昆虫尸体。# x4 V6 r& R _( f
# U- @; O' |# u9 }, n
. z+ G1 K% R% b' ]6 Z8 LThe weave of a nylon stocking 尼龙袜的纤维
/ j& }2 j7 K1 q6 o
9 s0 Z8 r( H. J: n _7 h: y4 _4 Y A3 `5 d& e9 ?9 q( S
The end of the tongue (proboscis) of a hummingbird hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum) 蜂鸟鹰蛾(小豆长喙天蛾)的舌尖(吻突)* y+ D4 B3 p! f3 V6 _4 X! V* d

1 v; D8 d; \' n/ B8 _7 @: T! k% i& \
The head of a mosquito 蚊子头部
* d- G* O- C; c
( J& F' i: N t; P& [6 ^6 w( p3 E4 Z, v6 e7 j" k
A human head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) clinging to a hair 人头虱依附在头发上# b' @: J0 O! J2 V8 f& Y0 R

9 A9 f, Y' F( U( R a J5 g6 [
! y9 L9 A e6 yThe eight eyes (two groups of four) on the head of a Mexican red-kneed tarantula 墨西哥红膝狼蛛头部的八只眼睛(两组各四只)( v' S" n) ^9 @
* a2 N) m, O. \/ S # F0 }' N0 l) K9 B& E0 Z
+ w7 W5 G7 H# u" ZCut hairs and shaving foam between two razor blades 双层刀片上的胡渣和剃须膏
: a. B. k* Y) y- p) {; r8 s % X' r' v2 }/ ?* I% B
. S* F) _$ s# g0 }7 E- @4 p- wCigarette paper. The crystals (blue) are additives that keep the lit cigarette burning by producing oxygen 香烟卷纸。蓝色晶状体可为香烟燃烧提供氧气
; Y! C/ A' z, p3 G( y; K) a
3 e. ~9 q v# B! [; r, Y& O" g7 ~7 O9 G
The corroded surface of a rusty metal nail 生锈铁钉的腐蚀表面
0 B: h2 r1 _- n5 g4 @$ X1 T% V, W7 n : f9 B: @ D* @' l: R- C
) u1 z& g) Q) ~2 N4 c: A& Z9 f
The head of a Romanesco cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis) 罗马花椰菜的头状花序
|: s% e2 e/ D4 K' v
% A: {0 e9 \+ _- X( b2 P- ]$ a \
The fungus Aspergillus fumigatus 烟曲霉菌. {8 F7 G0 P+ c4 o
8 h8 Z. t y+ N6 q- u
: O: C* @. o' P7 xMushrooms spores 蕈类孢子
" Q; n s4 T& U- k# p
p6 T2 ?; P* U, Q) K1 `! C+ B( N0 F; U
A clutch of unidentified butterfly eggs on a raspberry plant. These eggs have already hatched 悬钩子属植物上未明品种的蝴蝶卵。这些卵已经孵化了。& f) a- c1 T; v

! l% C7 R5 y9 w) V5 y' d
8 ]5 N8 k" r, }Fimbriae of a Fallopian tube, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) 输卵管纤毛,彩色扫描电镜。
7 o1 H- H8 s: L( l% \, D
: ]' L w% j' H& n
( B+ y9 K1 L3 B, g- Y* ~A daisy bud 雏菊蓓蕾( G$ L3 ?" r( |/ \6 x
$ j, @5 H. H# Z4 ~' ]* _6 E
3 q' ]7 n9 m) Q# N% ]% z
Calcium phosphate crystal 磷酸钙晶体4 t7 @( o+ Y3 n9 i% p5 \/ h O. H

; `/ |. }* w. K' Q* ^+ I& L
% O9 k" c- L$ b; K" c( k7 `, YThe shell of a foraminiferan. Foraminifera are marine single - celled protozoa that construct and inhabit shells composed of several chambers 有孔虫的壳。有孔虫是海洋单细胞原生动物,生成并寄居在数个腔室构成的壳内。# u; ^7 L9 x$ G& Z
8 @% w0 z- v/ k! V