2013克诺尔校园招聘 2013 Knorr-Bremse CampusRecruitment 克诺尔集团作为世界领先的轨道及商用车辆制动系统制造商。100多年来,克诺尔以领先的科技,致力推动用于轨道和商用车辆领域内不同用途的现代制动系统的开发、生产和销售。
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本集团对轨道和公路安全作出了重大的贡献。除制动系统之外,其它产品领域为用于轨道车辆的门系统和空调设备,以及用于内燃发动机的扭转振动减振器。 ( }9 q! w. `4 ~0 c3 n* k; M- H" \
; P K6 P0 c& A. o, A+ |超过20,000名员工遍及全球,于2011年度获超过42亿欧元的销售额。企业的成功来自轨道和商用车辆这两个业务部门的协同效应,和本集团立足全球的战略方针以及员工们的创造力和工作热情。因此,克诺尔集团将继续领导轨道和商用车辆的技术变革。
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克诺尔公司拥有良好的工作和个人发展环境,并提供一流的具备竞争能力的薪资福利待遇和国内/国外的培训机会。如您需要了解更多有关克诺尔的资讯,请浏览公司的官方网站 www.knorr-bremse.com或中文网站 www.knorr-bremse.cn
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Knorr-Bremse is the world’s leading manufacturer of braking systems for railand commercial vehicles. As a technology pioneer, for over 100 yearsKnorr-Bremse has been a driving force in the development, production and saleof modern braking systems for a variety of applications in the area of rail andcommercial vehicles. `1 E& g+ I' h5 y- j. h7 l
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Knorr-Bremse thus contributes significantly to safety on the road and onrailways. Other lines of business include door systems and air conditioningsystems for rail vehicles as well as torsional vibration dampers for internalcombustion engines.
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With just over 20.000 employees worldwide, the company earned sales in 2011 ofEUR 4.2 billion. The success of the company is grounded in the synergy of itstwo divisions, rail vehicle and commercial vehicle systems, the group’s globalperspective as well as the innovative power and performance readiness of ourstaff. Knorr-Bremse will thus continue to be a leader in shaping progress inrail and commercial vehicle technology. 3 X8 y S! w. E0 p! B3 u
& x2 z$ w2 S, E7 r w" KWith favorable working and personal development environment, the company willprovide highly-qualified employees with competitive compensation and training(domestic or overseas training) opportunities. To find out more aboutKnorr-Bremse, please visit www.knorr-bremse.cn or www.knorr-bremse.com 招聘职位 Brake Control Application Engineer(Trainee)/ 制动控制应用工程师(培训生) Bogie Equipment Application System Engineer(Trainee)/基础制动应用系统工程师(培训生) Testing Engineer(Trainee)/测试工程师(培训生) 学历要求 Master degree, major in Mechanical Engineering/ Vehicle Engineeringor similar 硕士学历,车辆工程、机械工程专业及相关专业 工作地点: 苏州 宣讲会安排 学校:西南交通大学(九里校区) 日期:2013年9月20日 时间:下午13:30 地点:逸夫馆4218室 请同学带好中英文简历及成绩单;笔、纸、橡皮、尺等笔试用品。 笔试时间:9月20日宣讲会结束 面试时间:9月21日具体安排另行通知 |