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- 1970-1-1
vast 和 vest cast
0 p5 Z& Y/ j2 b( z3 Y; E4 S" ?; d3 b
' f* V- G% X5 M1 {5 `" B) ]: b( h
+ A8 j+ ^) h# |vast9 }' |3 ^8 H4 X( o1 [% Y9 G( _
+ r3 y, e- j4 z5 C4 Rextremely large in area, size, amount, etc.
( S9 G% A' q; z2 h) ^; tSynonym: HUGE
$ N% K, n; R* ]a vast area of forest ◆ a vast crowd ◆ a vast amount of information ◆ At dusk bats appear in vast numbers. ◆ His business empire was vast. ◆ In the vast majority of cases, this should not be a problem. ◆ Your help made a vast difference. ◆ We've hired a marquee at vast expense.
' ?$ q7 d/ y- W! F! j4 U) \! }* ~1 b& dvastness (written) noun [U, C]: the vastness of space0 k; d. k+ s7 q2 a9 b- P! Z
( K, D1 L' E# C$ y+ D
; g" V5 ^/ c6 uvest
8 m9 Q) R% f4 U0 K2 @: @$ w3 F1 S# F0 h; h
noun, verb; {0 o A/ l1 u4 b5 w: o( [, Z8 u Y
. T M& _; q9 P( B7 [ (BrE) (AmE undershirt) a piece of underwear worn under a shirt, etc. next to the skin: a cotton / string / thermal vest
* A& i9 k) a) y! v& t' zCompare: SINGLET) Z) |5 }8 b$ y6 Q1 d7 f! H
a special piece of clothing that covers the upper part of the body: a bullet-proof vest ◆ a running vest
+ n% z* i+ G- I1 r5 T5 [ (AmE) = WAISTCOAT# G' p$ w% L! A5 W; }" L9 V. [
verb& {$ a/ [4 _! W& ?
Phrasal Verbs: vest in sb/sth (law) (of power, property, etc.) to belong to sb/sth legally: In the case of bankruptcy, the property shall vest in the trustee.
7 U# }9 r$ D3 Y, H' x) Y) ]0 `vest sth in sb/sth9 i- X% [* a$ a: ]
vest sb with sth [often passive] (formal)
' Q& c8 K7 ?$ }( G# P' V to give sb the legal right or power to do sth: Overall authority is vested in the Supreme Council. ◆ The Supreme Council is vested with overall authority.5 _8 ]" ^6 C' Z4 _4 r3 K& l
to make sb the legal owner of land or property9 L, y( [* l! a$ d' z1 Z' I7 x
& O6 e+ H1 _& N. a/ m) J
3 ^8 @8 m+ |$ Z4 z+ H. U3 \4 h: B7 z. ]/ L* Z3 f7 X$ C7 e
cast ( 尼玛,这个怎么这么长)verb, noun' m1 A* k. a+ ~/ l4 D. l( \5 J
verb (cast, cast)& i9 g- A' b( V2 M/ Q
a look / glance / smile" R8 @# {( R% c c' O4 I3 N$ P8 t# f
to look, smile, etc. in a particular direction: [VN] She cast a welcoming smile in his direction. ◆ He groaned, casting his eyes to the ceiling. [also VNN]
2 ~9 G! R# M0 k2 u9 T3 }% ^0 o+ X' vlight / a shadow
0 C5 T' f9 y4 r1 B8 E& t5 x4 n [VN] to make light, a shadow, etc. appear in a particular place: The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains. ◆ (figurative) The sad news cast a shadow over the proceedings (= made people feel unhappy).
, q7 j' M' X- }3 I/ x8 H8 ?% hdoubt
8 Z( g" c& {1 G" ] [VN] ~ doubt / aspersions (on / upon sth) to say, do or suggest sth that makes people doubt sth or think that sb is less honest, good, etc: This latest evidence casts serious doubt on his version of events., Y4 L) S9 X. @, k6 @$ e
fishing line
& K2 y8 s% Z2 ]$ } [V, VN] to throw one end of a FISHING LINE into a river, etc.' P2 [* a9 B: b
2 Q3 J; y8 U' A [VN] (literary) to throw sb/sth somewhere, especially using force: The priceless treasures had been cast into the Nile. ◆ They cast anchor at nightfall.5 n/ x2 w% R- E6 H* D3 A) b H# z0 x
skin# S/ y5 B% _% N- L! n
[VN] when a snake casts its skin, the skin comes off as part of a natural process- t. S) t* O' ^$ y9 t8 S6 U; ~
Synonym: SHED
! _% A$ |) R. G4 P$ C+ X- k! ushoe
( ^/ e" N+ }: X0 W [VN] if a horse casts a shoe, the shoe comes off by accident$ P* @7 b9 X2 M/ h
actors- I3 g6 h3 Q2 u x
~ sb (as sb) to choose actors to play the different parts in a film/movie, play, etc.; to choose an actor to play a particular role: [VN] The play is being cast in both the US and Britain. ◆ He has cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie. [also V]7 t A e0 I: s# Z
5 }& j1 r; Y3 B$ U [VN] ~ sb (as sth)7 {2 U0 Q2 v( _0 j5 N6 d0 Z: ]( d
~ sb (in sth) to describe or present sb in a particular way: He cast himself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign. ◆ The press were quick to cast her in the role of 'the other woman'.3 ~4 f% {" J9 b8 W+ R9 Y
: S2 |1 v: v1 X7 u F [VN] ~ a / your vote / ballot (for sb/sth) to vote for sb/sth) v5 [3 D6 S' ?3 m8 h
shape metal
% h% y( V8 r R9 l/ C7 V/ l [VN] ~ sth (in sth) to shape hot liquid metal, etc. by pouring it into a hollow container (called a MOULD): a statue cast in bronze ◆ (figurative) an artist cast in the mould of (= very similar to) Miro
! i: A. f1 b: O1 I/ X9 GIdioms: cast your mind back (to sth) to make yourself think about sth that happened in the past: I want you to cast your minds back to the first time you met.
! X- |$ Z2 B! \1 G' Bcast your net wide to consider a lot of different people, activities, possibilities, etc. when you are looking for sth: It's worth casting your net wide when applying for your first job.
3 i; l7 `! J9 ] V/ S0 N+ {/ N. Dcast a spell (on sb/sth) to use words that are thought to be magic and have the power to change or influence sb/sth! T- m0 m; d2 P3 c$ h7 m) A# D
more at ADRIFT, CAUTION n., DIE n., EYE n., LIGHT n., LOT n.
) S s6 F/ P. `3 ?9 t" z2 j9 {! RPhrasal Verbs: cast about / around for sth (written) to try hard to think of or find sth, especially when this is difficult: She cast around desperately for a safe topic of conversation. ◆ The authorities are clearly casting about for someone to blame.+ ]3 F( r' s" Z: }8 u; j
cast sb/sth<->aside (formal) to get rid of sb/sth because you no longer want or need them j( S# Q! x+ V3 C, n% t
Synonym: DISCARD
" k0 b" D* @: X/ zCasting modesty aside, she outlined the reason for her success. ◆ He cast the newspaper aside impatiently.; \# |5 I7 K; M
be cast away to be left somewhere after a SHIPWRECK
) x {2 K4 Q+ J, yrelated noun CASTAWAY. h0 z% e! W. l/ C" o7 [# O
be cast down (by sth) (literary) to be sad or unhappy about sth8 l+ q% O9 b1 z. W$ b3 ?( ^
See also DOWNCAST/ v; N- ~0 v/ V8 r! z) l) x
cast off$ ?- o1 ]0 m: r- t! F; t2 g
cast sth<->off
! A! E( D; c1 z7 w! ]4 ] to undo the ropes that are holding a boat in a fixed position, in order to sail away/ i: y3 P/ C F5 V7 q# u& Q
(in knitting) to remove stitches from the needles in a way that forms an edge that will not come undone) {8 u% r% ~3 J5 H# N
cast sth<->off (written) to get rid of sth because you no longer want or need it: The town is still trying to cast off its dull image.5 V9 p9 z! q4 c5 ~* h7 i
cast on# p9 N: f9 I) U9 _0 A1 H7 y( o6 i
cast sth<->on (in knitting) to put the first row of stitches on a needle
' j; v+ K, q& O+ Q" t9 e: j' hcast sb/sth<->out (literary) to get rid of sb/sth, especially by using force: He claimed to have the power to cast out demons.' X o+ L7 U4 b# E# e5 h/ z4 Y
related noun OUTCAST
% ?% ^& I) s9 G3 w# s! n8 H3 L noun
4 R! d% V5 b5 {- ?5 l- Eactors2 u! v( @6 a5 Z" U: |' I3 b2 G
[C+sing./pl. v.] all the people who act in a play or film/movie: The whole cast performs / perform brilliantly. ◆ members of the cast ◆ an all-star cast (= including many well-known actors) ◆ the supporting cast (= not the main actors, but the others) ◆ a cast list) Z1 Q; o8 f: O
in shaping metal
6 @/ S3 d& V3 s( s [C] an object that is made by pouring hot liquid metal, etc. into a MOULD (= a specially shaped container)
% ?: u! E5 z5 W; M8 g [C] a shaped container used to make an object
$ _" H H0 I' s; d# r+ \Synonym: MOULD
- I% X2 l4 K- C2 F H8 \- i0 sappearance6 k: {8 b9 K6 w* ^) x% t- {
[sing.] (BrE, formal) the way that a person or a thing is or appears: He has an unusual cast of mind. ◆ I disliked the arrogant cast to her mouth.
8 Z' u/ |5 {# ?5 y. wthrow( {8 i$ K1 @4 m/ z% Z: O8 ?' x
[C] an act of throwing sth, especially a fishing line: K E& A4 H6 ~" Q" h8 i
on arm / leg. R* y0 K7 q% k2 N
[C] = PLASTER CAST: Her leg's in a cast.
, {" p$ B1 y! _* u6 R6 C6 j* N+ `See also OPENCAST
6 o% p( | a7 a% u$ _/ f3 k
* G, m, b$ e8 C* T |