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亲爱的同学们,/ K) S. Z. l" w, ]
b: c R1 u, C1 O2014默沙东中国校园招聘自2013年9月正式启动!
* Q5 w+ A! a; p% K5 _
0 ? {: {6 c# ?2 h1 n今年默沙东中国为应届毕业生提供了近200个销售培训生职位(全国),3个工程师职位(杭州/上海工厂),和北京研发中心的职位。我们将在上海、北京、广州、杭州、南京、沈阳、河南、武汉、长沙、成都、西安、新疆12个城市举办宣讲会,我们期待宣讲会现场与同学们的互动交流!
1 ]9 z4 i$ t/ L' v$ G0 k+ p( t' o' a% N3 n( ]/ ~ K# A/ b% D
此次默沙东中国校园招聘的官方网站是http://campus.51job.com/msd, 欢迎大家点击访问,关注网申职位详情、招聘流程及各高校宣讲会时间安排!$ u1 }" f# C# Q* p7 ]( C; t4 |
: R8 v1 @8 l4 u$ z+ T. ~ {
与默俱进,福天下!; q3 y- R' ~+ c- ?: l9 ]5 j) S4 C
加入我们,成为世界领先制药企业的一员,为人类健康事业造福。, X! x6 z2 ^5 l' u" x
默沙东中国人力资源部: o8 Z; \* Y7 b+ J) A+ ?( ~
' r {8 C* \( w! h; ?" E; g! Z- [<关于默沙东>& v }) |4 }( ?1 A' |: c" U
4 s& V- W1 y( |! y3 k默沙东在中国大陆共设有10个运营区域、3个工厂、1个研发中心,员工总人数超过5000人。自1992年进入中国以来,我们致力于通过专业的学术交流,为医生提供具有价值的产品和治疗领域信息,从而使默沙东的药品更好地造福于患者。 Z5 b. i M& [0 l2 Y) I+ ]& A
" [( m- q6 D$ n+ g9 [了解更多公司信息,请访问公司全球网站www.merck.com,或其中国网站www.msdchina.com.cn! f) H2 Z3 x+ U
; t# p t& z+ z3 z' Y* k" ]) J
. J* c6 E: a: u2 s6 P! E. A7 S5 }销售培训生 (全国200名左右)
|- H+ ^7 u/ _+ D- E0 ~
) I( D; X* ~3 a! X V我们的销售培训生计划,有机会让您成为一名为医生和病人提供药品及健康知识的专业人才。您将有机会同富有经验的团队并肩作战,只要您具备:
, {( ^7 e3 n2 N N8 m3 ^* m1.本科及以上学历! Q( V/ _" {7 O2 f2 }
2.良好的人际交往和沟通能力3 e0 a! F7 t+ V; |! U4 L
+ ^" p/ L3 _, n9 a+ l3 c: I# U4.有效的计划和组织能力
6 `& J W- ?" z6 k5 A, L5.良好的承压能力并自我激励& n" ?6 k9 w- X$ D2 {: p& }
2 N' N& G$ a5 }$ X7 k工作职责:
+ |8 X6 B s& _8 X5 ]3 D. W( Y/ \- Z
" `/ y' b& z- g1.为所负责的产品制定区域业务计划
8 b4 o( `! g5 P Z1 c/ ~2.制定目标客户及客户分类计划1 K# r A; o, L% T6 T
3.与目标客户建立合作关系, v; T# q2 F# [) ^# m* Y
4.改变和强化客户行为 r1 w- M* e. i" x& J9 ]
5.贯彻品牌策略5 S+ ]2 x* M' h
$ u! R0 \3 F2 m8 @- u+ w- d- r) x1 }+ }9 G4 ~$ ]' u7 o( L
MMDP专员、MMDP工程师 -- “制造健康”职业起航轮岗计划(杭州2名、上海1名)
$ ?2 d0 G& A8 h% ?: g6 |- ?MMDP(默沙东“制造健康”职业启航计划)是MSD Manufacturing Development Program的缩写。为了帮助制造部员工在职业初级阶段奠定技术、商业和领导能力的基础,默沙东制造部制定了两年的多个职位轮岗计划,为职场新人提供了一个进入默沙东公司职业发展通道的平台。: w* L( U! B: \0 |* W
轮岗地点包括杭州和上海的制造基地,轮岗将从以下职能中选出:生产运营、质量控制、质量保证、精益/六西格玛、工程/维护等。6 d q; K2 ]! D5 j* |6 x6 p) G
在两年的职业启航计划中,公司提供三次轮岗机会。期间,新员工将获得来自导师和工作伙伴的支持。在轮岗顺利完成后,公司将根据业务需求和个人发展目标,为新员工提供更为挑战的工作机会, 工作地点为杭州、上海。由此,新员工进入默沙东公司的职业发展通道,在帮助公司实现“制造健康”目标的同时保持自身的学习与发展,根据默沙东职业地图,通过定期的发展计划,持续拓展职业生涯! ?) i- b t+ p% Z/ Q
6 u5 ~% r- R; ~2 z; m0 z
7 I+ F i* C7 t1 y1. Bachelor's/master's degree, graduating in 2013 (major: Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering) W3 `" N0 H; x3 B1 N* O
2. Fluent English (minimum: CET-6)
/ T" G7 h0 j0 r+ t- L6 I1 o) l3. Outstanding academic records of achievement and demonstrated leadership abilities% z) d/ i2 x2 H; o2 |/ C
4. Individuals who are analytical and inquisitive about the interrelationships of various components! {4 d0 g( p; q# ~/ u+ j
5. Quick learners committed to making a difference in the pursuit of manufacturing high-quality, market-leading products.
% A# T) A4 T) Y& U T2 ~北京研发中心职位:0 a# I! \0 _- V" j3 N7 x
生物信息研究员& e- w1 n! Z4 v. ^+ e: t3 D
6 E3 [: ^3 p, ?2 v4 D1 E7 t9 H+ t
The Informatics Department at MSD China R&D is a multidisciplinary group of informatics scientists. Informatics interns will work with a passionate team of scientists with expertise in bioinformatics, computational genomics, next-generation sequencing data analysis, health and medical informatics, drug research information, and high-performance computing.
. L' ]( j# v6 UQualifications:" X! R3 U: n$ E& d& v- {- S1 _1 {
1. Enrolled in a Master or PhD degree (program) in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Computer Science or related areas# \- A0 j4 {& }) D/ P$ C
2. Experience with next-generation sequencing analysis in transcriptome assembly, alternatives splicing discovery or variation call by genomic DNA sequencing
) M+ U, I1 ?2 G0 Q8 Y; }( n6 ~3. Experience with BWA, BOWTIE, SOAP, Cufflink, TopHat, Cufflinks, Samtool or GATK- N) y N1 t9 X( i2 s v! T. w
4. Proficiency in Perl in a Unix/Linux environment. Experience with high-performance Linux cluster is a plus.
( V8 o+ J+ G1 R3 B5. Background in molecular and genome biology% U3 D: v$ G2 V6 |" [ c% h
6. A solid background in statistics, including familiarity with mathematics and statistics packages such as Matlab, Bioconductor, or R1 a5 a3 h5 b0 S" {7 e# W# q
" q/ e8 L$ Z& _' p
生物统计研究员9 @" A( N1 h" I9 C" O: G4 Y: N4 I5 Z
The Department of Biostatistics and Research Decision Sciences (BARDS) is a key functional group in the Merck Research Laboratories (MRL), Merck & Co, Inc. This department provides statistical support in the design and execution of Merck's non/pre-clinical and clinical development programs.
' X5 N4 b+ S% lYou will have opportunity work closely with experienced pharmaceutical industry statisticians to perform applied statistical research and/or statistical analysis of data related to drug discovery and development.
8 `6 w% t. E5 _- r) ?Qualifications:
" {5 [$ v9 O: v; @. _1. Master or PHD degree in Statistics, Biostatistics, or Epidemiology9 }6 X0 n. I& a3 W! j' j, }& R" X2 G
2. Have effective oral and written communication skills in English;
- s( g8 s* F2 w( n9 l6 I3. Have a good working knowledge of SAS, S-Plus, and/or R
2 V3 f. ~. Y- k' }7 p4 y2 x4 r% y/ D; e4. Excellent language skills in both English and Chinese , V C1 S( Y, Y8 O8 W
- G: c X! q6 h. \临床数据管理员
' m, v9 m8 Z9 y" S# C# Y3 Z( V. HResponsibilities: 6 P7 T( Q. w* s4 I
1. Collect, Clarify and review AE (Adverse Event) information
, E$ V, w; z% ^$ R9 a2. Data entry adverse experience information and release to US Headquarter (HQ) through internal data base within the timeframe
. P3 E5 V$ F7 m7 f3. Make sure data quality and data consistency between source data and data entered in the database.
4 u5 C* i/ o0 d* R- y4. Determine, on the basis of standard operating procedures and US FDA regulations, the prompt or periodic classification of each adverse experience contained in the reports received for Merck marketed and investigative products.
1 w- o7 v3 W* Z/ U8 q! R& `5. Communicate with HQ for AE/ drug safety inquiry and GCP issues. 4 g8 |2 n8 q) p4 L) K& b( v
6. Provide training/mentoring for new coordinators and serves as a resource for less experienced coordinators. : m0 [" l9 `* x/ W' y8 H$ B; B
Qualifications:- j9 p6 u) R6 p' Y
Education: At least B.A. or B.S. degree, preferably in Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Biology or related discipline - e6 q3 Z1 @6 T3 I# J
Knowledge and Skills: - w: z8 \% m/ e' z; C
1. Self-motivated, excellent in assignments priority and time management. 2 w) ] v% v$ O. C3 L3 C8 S0 P) j
2. Excellent oral and written English skills. ) Q: H4 T$ o p$ W! K7 s
3. Excellent spoken and written communication skills. 0 o2 s8 y' R% @0 v6 ?/ A* f
4. Independent, strong analytical and problem solving skills 2 a3 E; \9 u7 X
5. Good sense and awareness of regulations and policies.
( ? v: N: h9 b1 C0 I7 i2 ~, n- {6. Able to work under the pressure, strong sense of responsibility and accountability.
" U1 M& c* s4 V临床研究医生
( X j. C/ c& J+ E1 v5 @+ v6 w- tResponsibilities: 9 p' R( C% b d- m
The clinical research specialist is expected to abstract high level relevant clinical and preclinical data and effectively use these data in supporting China registration/engaging CDE and local experts. This individual should have excellent communication skill with demonstrated language skills in both written and verbal English and Chinese. Whenever Clinical Research designs a clinical study, the clinical research specialist intern is expected to drive study design, and collaborate with biostatisticians, regulatory affairs, and other relevant disciplines under the guidance of senior staff to construct a high quality clinical study protocol. The clinical research specialist will interpret, prepare clinical study reports, regulatory dossier, regulatory responses, and review product label. The clinical research physician will also prepare and review manuscript for publication. 4 N& j( O6 k* s$ H8 q' @2 L
[! H# R, x- ~1 k/ Z1 f oThe clinical research specialist will also function as clinical scientist for study protocol. In this role, this individual will work with study team to ensure safety/efficacy information adequately captured and review serious adverse events.
& o4 f# b1 b4 ~6 {/ L. oThe specialist will be responsible for editing, proof reading of translated documents from English to Chinese (translation validation) to ensure quality of translation for protocols, informed consent, CIB, study reports and dossiers to support regulatory filings. & j+ f6 a# Z; w$ @- n
7 `8 o2 P; c7 z2 @& Y" ^1. A MD(or MD/PhD) or Bachelor in medicine with postgraduate training in clinical medicine or pharmacology or master degree in clinical medicine.7 a, x0 z. ?2 O# b3 r! U8 R
2. Previous experience of clinical research is highly desirable./ d& Y! u) L& z0 X' [
3. The candidate who is ideally suited for this position will be bright, driven, dedicated, persistent, strategic, flexible, clever, and resourceful.
/ ^8 j; X! l q$ [1 F' r4. Excellent language skills in both English and Chinese (fluent in verbal and written), previous track record of protocol and study report writing is highly desirable.0 m# ? a5 Z+ V& u
5. The position may require the flexibility to work outside of the area of primary medical specialization. # A$ {$ @3 E3 R, R9 }
( N% u- Q9 j% D/ M6 t5 i" b8 h |