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发表于 2014-9-29 17:30:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 m+ a( j3 g0 x8 J" j招聘职位:Queensley校园代理
" @6 Z; @8 ~: A0 s8 T) E工作内容:作为Queensley在校园的独家代理商,具体负责Queensley的策划、联动、营销等工作
. o+ K. M5 d# S( j( j/ ^7 f工作要求:具有较强的行动组织能力,能够吃苦耐劳,对工作积极上进。符合以下条件者可优先考虑:1 K/ `9 m; F; L! u! o1 G
1)        有茶叶销售工作经验或者销售渠道(如咖啡厅、西餐厅、高级茶楼等)的同学1 N' }: V9 }" c7 t
2)        学生会骨干或社会实践经验丰富者。( [- d7 T' l& p; M
+ s  _# {3 I/ l9 \% Y+ G工作时间:根据课余时间灵活安排
8 H( Y& l* s, a! y3 C6 W. q工作性质:兼职
$ s9 @8 g5 v0 b* N工作待遇:根据具体业绩情况,提供高回报提成点6 F. w  n6 n3 Q- W/ M& C0 ~
' X' h9 P5 g" a报名方式:请有意向的同学将个人简历发送到邮箱ranmengai@163.com。(注:所发信息需真实有效) 联系电话:18290387853 联系人:冉总
- l  J. `; l3 w$ N  O1 u' e+ Z8 |5 P+ O+ e; S
& S& I5 w9 |. W) N4 d8 \2 V5 n, [) j2 K, x0 @) r
顶级锡兰红茶Queensley简介:: P" ?) q- A8 C+ n& x+ r4 `
        Where is that secret Garden of Eden? Could it be nestled among the bushes of tea where the elusive Queensley bird chirps? Or is it high up in the mountains, where the air is fresh and clean? Perhaps in the hazy valley below or somewhere on the emerald hills, glowing in bright sunlight with streams of life-giving water...Look, it is where the Queensley tea grows! Yield to the temptation of a cup, graced with the fragrance of paradise. Discover Queensley’s captivating taste!0 V! ~3 N. _  a  U* a6 A- o. ?) N
5 f4 J0 G: ~3 W) W5 y         A superior black tea from Ceylon, gathered from the sun drenched plantations of Ruhuna, where ideal climes make for the cultivation of the finest teas. Ceylon Supreme has a classic taste, rich in subtleties .It makes drinking tea one of the day's highlights!
$ q. w8 j5 h* l# U

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