1、苏州西门子电器有限公司成都分公司 研发部 软件研发实习生 Job Description: -Designand develop internal tools for R&D. -Supportthe integration test of LOGO! Project.. Job Requirements: -Master degree is preferred. -Major in Computer Science/Telecommunication/Electronic Engineering/Micro-electronics/AutomationControl is preferred. -Familiarwith C#, .net/Java, JSP/ASP, PHP, XML, Html, able to develop web basedapplications with Database (MS-SQL or MySQL) access. -Experienceof developing applications on Andriod or iOS is a big plus. -Knowledgeor experience of working on automation system e.g. PLC is an addition. -canspeak/read/write English smoothly. Work Location: -No.99, Tina Yuan Road, Groin West District, Chengdu (成都市高新西区天源路99号). -Siemensprovide free shuttle bus for intern. 请广大对此职位感兴趣的同学注意:如果您能达到以上要求,请将您的中英文简历以Word 附件形式发至:ewc.intern.cn@siemens.com 邮件题目:研发部_实习生_所在院校_专业_年级_实习天数/周_实习期_毕业时间; 简历标题请以“名字_院校_专业_年级”命名; 请将中英文简历放在一个word文档中。
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2 .SiemensR&D 100 西门子R&D100 培训生项目项目介绍西门子中国工业R&D 100 项目,是西门子工业领域针对研发(Research & Development, R&D) 进行的的人才培养项目。该项目集合了西门子运营公司、西门子研究院、西门子管理学院、人力资源、以及工业各集团的业务部门丰富的资源和培训平台,对培训生进行18 个月的知识培训, 技术实践及岗位轮换, 旨在为培训生打下坚实的技术、产品、研发方法与流程等方面的基础,使其成为公司研发领域的中坚力量!应聘条件 2015 年毕业,硕士及以上学历, 机械设计,电气工程及其自动化, 电力系统及其自动化, 控制理论与控制工程, 电力电子与电力拖动, 电机与电器专业. · 具有较强的良好的分析能力和学习能力· 热爱钻研技术· 良好的沟通技能· 具有团队合作精神· 较好的知识管理、归纳总结能力· 英语听、说、读、写熟练· 追求卓越,勇于探索加入R&D 100项目,你就是西门子工业的未来!What are myresponsibilities? -Responsible for the HW-design (electronic) of products forindustrial automation (SIMATIC product family);
- Y2 U5 p% i* E% e0 v/ H-Responsibility covers schedule, functionality, product costs, andquality of the work package assigned to him/her;-Responsible for HW- development of the product coversspecification, design, testing, manufacturing introduction and maintenance;- Supply effort estimation for planning. Plan the assignedwork package within the scope of process instructions;- Result documentation and transfer of work package;- Contribution to internal measures for increasingproductivity;- Adherence to architecture, design, and quality guidelines,norms and laws (product design). What do I need toqualify for this job? - Goodknowledge of digital and Analog circuity, MCU/MCP architecture, and automaticsystem, especially industrial automation of PLC;-Basicknowledge of signal integrity and assemble or C language for embeddedproduct development,Have some experiences in embeddedproducts (main in board design) and circuit board design is preferred; - Basicknowledge about HW- development process; some experience in CAE-tools usage,circuit simulation. 请广大对此职位感兴趣的同学注意:请将您的中英文简历以Word 附件形式发至: ewc.intern.cn@siemens.com邮件题目:R&D 100_专业_年级;简历标题请以“姓名_院校_专业_年级”命名;请将中英文简历放在一个word文档中。 & z+ L7 e5 v( [4 M8 h) g
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