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发表于 2015-1-2 18:14:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我目前在挪威科大读研,可能还会在这读博,岩土工程。之前也在贴吧和这里发过介绍我们系。今天看到学校放出个铁路方面的博后位置,料想交大一定会有感兴趣的人。在挪威做博后有很多好处,其一挪威的理工科博士和博后多与工业界联系紧密,但理论创新的要求也极高,其二博士和博后的待遇很棒,即便考虑目前的货币贬值博后的税后年薪也接近30W人民币(NOK 482 500 per annum before tax. )。英语is a must。若有需要帮忙可联系我yuzaiming@gmail.comPostdoctoral position in Railway Track Mechanics http://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/108299/postdoctoral-position-in-railway-track-mechanicsThe research topic for the Postdoc position will be: An integrated stochastic train-track interaction and damage model. 8 b4 c1 A. z0 Z0 i1 Y/ w
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The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway), Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, invites applicants for a full-time 2 years postdoctoral position within railway track mechanics. The position is funded by the Norwegian Railway Administration (Jernbaneverket) and is intended to give an excellent candidate an opportunity to pursue advanced research. Further Jernbaneverket assigns an industrial contact person and provides industrial motivation, relevant data and experimental sites. The research project will be run within the research group Road, Transport and Geomatics and will be part of the railway centre formation for NTNU Railway Technology. It is envisaged that the project will benefit from the initiative of the Nordic cooperation for railway research.
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The research topic for the Postdoc position will be: An integrated stochastic train-track interaction and damage model. The project aims in developing a numerical tool for integrated train-track interaction and damage model to understand rail surface damage mechanisms and development of rail roughness (for conventional ballasted track and slab track systems), and to assess the effect on track component damage and on the environment, and suggest remedies and design solutions to mitigate the problem.

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The applicants must hold a PhD degree within a discipline relevant to the field, such as railway engineering, structural mechanics or equivalent. Previous knowledge and experience in vehicle-track interaction modelling and rail damage modelling is advantageous. Knowledge of stochastic dynamic tools is also advantageous. PhD students in their final stage of completing their PhD degree are also invited to apply; a recommendation letter or a support letter which states the PhD disputation date within the next six month must then be provided along with application from PhD supervisor. Applicants who do not master a Scandinavian language must document a thorough knowledge of English, and the applicants need to have excellent presentation and communication skills. The candidate is required to participate in initiating new research topics, in application for research funding, in supervision of PhD students and master thesis projects, and is expected to publish the research work in international journals.

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Complete applications should include:
  • A brief statement of research interest
  • A short introduction of PhD work / research projects
  • A full CV with publication list and other scientific works
  • Certified copies of transcripts, certificates and diplomas
  • A complete teaching experience in higher education
  • A short research plan
  • Recommendation letters, names and contact information of two references7 m4 c( r" A( j2 V& `* c+ N) l5 A
The candidate will be required to work in Trondheim at the Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, NTNU. A statement on when the applicant can start in the position if selected should be supplied. The position includes some teaching duties.

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Conditions of appointment:
The Postdoc is remunerated in code 1352, and are usually remunerated at wage level 57, gross NOK 482 500 per annum before tax. There will be 2% deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund from gross wage. Normal wage level for Postdoc is 57-62.

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Engagement as a Postdoc is done in accordance with “Regulation concerning terms and conditions of employment for the posts of post-doctoral research fellow, research fellow, research assistant and resident”, given by the Ministry of Education and Research of 19.07.2010. The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants. The position adheres to the Norwegian Government’s policy of balanced ethnicity, age and gender. Persons with immigrant background and women are encouraged to apply. According to the new Freedom of Information Act, information concerning the applicant may be made public even if the applicant has requested not to be included in the list of applicants.
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Applications with complete application document and a short research plan should be submitted electronically via www.jobbnorge.no.
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For further information please contact Professor Elias Kassa, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, NTNU, (email: elias.kassa@ntnu.no; tel + 47 91 89 77 09.http://www.ntnu.edu/bat/roadandtransport)
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Mark your application with ref.no IVT-177/14.
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Application deadline January 30th 2015

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发表于 2015-1-4 19:19:50 | 显示全部楼层

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