辉瑞中国2015春季校园招聘启动啦! 你想加入全球最大的生物制药企业吗?你想在世界500强的制药企业快速成长为一位优秀的职业经理人吗?现在,辉瑞给你机会! 辉瑞中国2015春季校园招聘现已启动!自3月下旬开始,辉瑞中国将在全国12所高校进行校园招聘宣讲,宣讲会将持续至4月中旬。此外,今年辉瑞将在全国范围内发布空缺实习职位200余个。准备参加宣讲会的同学请尽快登录辉瑞中国2015春季校园招聘官方网站http://campus.51job.com/pfizer了解详细信息并在线投递简历!所有成功投递简历的同学将于各地宣讲会前一天接收到手机短信邀请。 此外,辉瑞中国现已通过社交媒体建立更多招聘渠道,欢迎同学们关注! 1. 官方微信:辉瑞中国招聘 2. 官方微博:新浪微博@辉瑞中国校园招聘@辉瑞中国招聘 公司介绍 在辉瑞,我们致力于运用科学以及我们的全球资源来改善每个生命阶段的健康状况。在药品的探索、开发和生产过程中,我们致力于设定品质、安全和价值标准。我们多样化的全球保健产品包括药品中的生物药品、小分子药品和疫苗,以及许多世界驰名的消费产品。每天,世界各地成熟市场和新兴市场的辉瑞员工致力于推进健康,以及能够应对我们这个时代最为棘手的疾病的预防和治疗方案。辉瑞还与世界各地的医疗卫生专业人士、政府和社区合作,支持世界各地的人们能够获得更为可靠和可承付的医疗卫生服务。这与辉瑞作为一家世界领先的生物制药公司的责任是一致的。160多年来,辉瑞一直努力为人们提供更好、更优质的服务。 招聘职位 生物制药业务 职位名称:助理医学信息沟通专员实习生 招聘城市: 湖北省: 武汉市恩施市黄冈市 荆门市 荆州市 十堰市 襄阳市 生物制药业务区域扩张团队 职位名称:助理医学信息沟通专员实习生 招聘城市: 辽宁省:鞍山台安县本溪恒仁县朝阳朝阳县丹东东港县抚顺新宾县葫芦岛建昌县锦州凌海县 铁岭昌图县铁岭西丰县抚顺清原县 河南省:南阳淅川县 湖北省:孝感市 湖南省:郴州市湘西市 健康药物业务 职位名称:销售实习生-医院渠道 工作职责: 1. 在销售主管的领导下完成销售指标及其他各项销售任务 2. 根据拜访计划,定期拜访医生,药剂人员及相关目标人员,推广公司产品并与他们保持良好的合作伙伴关系 3. 策划、组织多种形式的学术活动,宣传公司产品,并对学术活动加以跟进 4. 积极收集医院及医药市场信息,特别是竞争对手信息并及时向主管反馈 5. 建立区域内目标客户及竞争产品的相关档案,并及时完善增补 6. 及时准确完成各项销售报告,并能有效利用 7. 有计划地实施社区教育活动,建立社教网络,扩大社教人群 任职资格: 1. 头脑灵活,性格外向 2. 善于发现机会点,分析机会,并实现于销售 3. 熟练的办公软件操作能力和谈判演讲能力 4. 有优秀的客户沟通能力,在竞争环境中获得有利于公司的销售机会 招聘城市: 直辖省:北京市上海市天津市重庆市 河北省:石家庄市 江苏省:南京市无锡市苏州市徐州市 湖北省:武汉市 山东省:济南市青岛市 陕西省:西安市 辽宁省:沈阳市 云南省:昆明市 浙江省:杭州市宁波市温州市 海南省:海口市 四川省:成都市 黑龙江省:哈尔滨市 内蒙古自治区:呼和浩特市 职位名称:销售实习生-零售渠道 工作职责: 1. 在销售主管的领导下完成销售指标及其他各项销售任务 2. 完成所辖区域内药店、超市、卖场的铺货工作,保证货源供应畅通 3. 按公司统一标准执行产品陈列,并不断改善、提升产品的陈列等级 4. 制定合理有效的拜访计划,定期拜访店经理、店员及相关目标人员,推广公司产品并与他们保持良好的合作伙伴关系 5. 组织和开展多种形式的宣传教育活动,推广公司产品并对宣教活动进行跟进 6. 积极收集所辖区域内竞争对手及市场经营环境的讯息,并及时反馈 7. 建立区域内目标客户及竞争产品的相关档案,并及时完善增补 8. 及时准确完成各项销售报告,并能有效利用 任职资格: 1. 头脑灵活,性格外向 2. 善于发现机会点,分析机会,并实现于销售 3. 熟练的办公软件操作能力和谈判演讲能力 4. 有优秀的客户沟通能力,在竞争环境中获得有利于公司的销售机会 招聘城市: 直辖省:北京市上海市重庆市 江苏省:南京市无锡市苏州市 湖北省:武汉市 湖南省:长沙市 山东省:济南市 陕西省:西安市 辽宁省:沈阳市 四川省:成都市 安徽省:合肥市 浙江省:杭州市宁波市温州市 黑龙江省:哈尔滨市 新疆维吾尔族自治区:乌鲁木齐市 职位名称:Ethical Marketing Intern 工作职责: 1. 协助管理市场部项目,主要职责是项目的有效跟进沟通、数据处理和报表生成。 2. 协助管理区域市场部费用控制、区域活动的执行进度。 任职资格: 1. 细心,学习能力强。该职位要求对数字敏感,基本excel操作技巧、数据透视表技巧 招聘城市: 直辖省:上海市 江苏省:南京市 辉瑞(上海)研发中心 Position: Admin Assistant Intern City: Shanghai Responsibility: 1. Maintainand update admin routine operations documents; 2. Meetingroom reservation and meeting set up; 3. Expensereport copy and tracking; 4. Letterdistribution for the department personnel; 5. Purchasingif needed; 6. Supporton first round interviews of testing upon request 7. Domestic/internationalcourier of departmental file; 8. Supporton in-house departmental/center events scheduling, logistics preparation andevent facilitation upon request Qualification: 1. Junior university student, better majored inEnglish, Business Administration or related; 2. With relevant admin working experiences ispreferred; 3. Being patient and careful, paying attentionto details; 4. Willing to learn and good at dealing withmulti-tasks; 5. Good work attitude and team work spirit; 6. Good communication skills & Englishability, CET-6 or above; 7. Good MS Office skills including Outlook,Excel and PowerPoint; 8. Can work at least 3 full days a week; 9. Internship: 6 months at least; Position:Medical Writing Intern City: Shanghai Responsibility: 1. Work with clinical study team to interpretstudy results and prepare Clinical Study Reports (CSRs) and related documents. Qualification: 1. Graduating in 2015 with a Bachelor’s orMaster’s degree preferably in medical, pharmaceutical, or life science 2. Highly motivated, responsible and quicklearner 3. Excellent verbal and written English languageskills 4. Attention to factual detail and accuracy 5. Comply with company policy and uphold thehighest level of integrity 6. Ability to work effectively in amulti-cultural context 7. Excellent interpersonal and team-workingskills 8. Assertive with good influencing skills 9. Basic knowledge of using Windows OS, MS-Word,MS-Excel, E-Mail (MS-Outlook) 10. Ableto work 3 or more days a week 职位名称:CRDCCPW Programming Intern 招聘城市:上海市 工作职责: 1. 熟悉和使用全球数据分析及报告系统,有效的进行临床数据编程 任职资格: 1. 2015年毕业 2. 统计学,应用数学,生物统计,药学,公共卫生相关领域大学本科及以上 3. 硕士学位优先考虑 4. 精通SAS编程语言 5. 具备很强的分析能力 6. 具备较高的积极性,较强的责任心和学习新事物的能力 7. 必备高度精确性,非常关注细节,及质量控制的工作方式 8. 能够熟练运用英语进行书面和口头的有效沟通 9. 遵守公司规章制度,为人诚实正直,能够在多文化氛围下高效工作 10. 愿意为一个学习型组织工作,鼓励进行尝试,承担风险,并在工作绩效的各方面寻求进步 Position: Clinical Trial ManagementIntern City: Shanghai Responsibility: 1. Businessanalysis including market research and analysis 2. Documentpreparation and management including presentations 3. Teamlogistics management including setting agendas, facilitating work delivery,providing meeting minutes and ensuring follow up on actions 4. Administrativeactivities: 1) Maintainand update administrative/ operations documents 2) Managemeeting room reservations and arrangements 3) Supporton in-house departmental/center events scheduling, logistics preparation andevent facilitation upon request Qualification: 1. Universitystudent, preferably in an analytic, scientific and/ or business discipline; 2. Patient,diligent and industrious, with robust attention to detail; 3. Willingto learn and engage on multiple tasks/ mini-projects; 4. Favorablework attitude and team spirit; 5. Goodcommunication skills & English ability, CET-6 or above; 6. GoodMS Office skills including Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint; 7. Ableto work at least 3 full days a week; 8. Internshipduration: 1-6 months Position: Business Technology Intern City: Shanghai Responsibility: 1. Manage,resolve and escalate, where necessary, application problems, owning through to resolution. 2. Liaisewith other IT groups, to ensure resolution of all identified problems withinassigned business area. 3. PurchaseIT orders and handle coordination of requests, ensure proper invoice routingand tracking. 4. Assiston IT supplies, equipment and other asset management tasks. 5. Effectivelyperform regular account maintenance tasks such as account creation,deactivation, reactivation, extension, personnel information modification. 6. Provideaccount status check per user request. Investigate and troubleshoot accountissues. 7. Planand coordinate a variety of meetings including scheduling, conference roomreservations, teleconference/WebEx set-up and associated meeting logistics;Arrange for visitor passes and access. 8. Prepareand edit reports and presentations using Microsoft Office software; organizeand maintain electronic and hard copy files. 9. Manageteam calendars, anticipate conflicts and use diplomacy to resolve problems inadvance. Qualification: 1. Interested inInformation Technology related knowledge (Infrastructure Support, ApplicationSupport, Software Development, and Database Management). 2. Candidate shouldpossess excellent communication skills with an ability to respond withprofessionalism in verbal as well as written communications. 3. Good in writtenEnglish. Can handle general oral conversation. 4. Detail-orientedwith strong organizational skills and a proven ability to prioritize and workindependently to complete quality work on a timely basis. 5. Ability to takeinitiative within a strong team-oriented environment. 苏州健康药物工厂 职位名称:生产技术实习生 招聘城市:苏州市 工作职责: 1. 生产运行:为了满足市场对产品产量和质量的需求,充分利用各种资源,参与生产有序进行; 2. 产品质量控制:确保生产过程中各环节符合国家GMP要求,公司总部GMP要求,操作按标准、操作程序执行,使产品质量得到有效保证; 3. 设备维护与管理:有效进行日常的设备使用、清洁、维护与模具更换工作,使设备处于有效运行与管理之中; 4. 新产品与新工艺:为保证新产品、新设备与新工艺再生产及包装过程的顺利实施,参与新产品试制;协助主管制定相关操作规程,并有效培训本岗员工,使之能顺利进行 5. 遵守公司有关EHS的政策和规定,并完成EHS相关工作 职务要求: 1. 药学/药剂/食品/机电等相关专业,2015年应届本科毕业生; 2. 能偶吃苦耐劳,具有良好的沟通能力以及团队合作精神; 3. 实习期半年以上,每周工作5天,该岗位实习期需要倒班,表现良好可以转为正式员工。 职位名称:质量QC实习生 招聘城市:苏州市 工作职责: 1. 质量运行:为了满足市场对产品产量和质量的需求,充分利用各种资源,参与质量有序进行; 2. 产品质量控制:确保生产过程中各环节符合国家GMP要求,公司总部GMP要求,操作按标准、操作程序执行,使产品质量得到有效保证; 3. 实验室分析:确保实验室日常分析工作完成,有效进行日常的实验器具使用、清洁、维护等工作。 4. 遵守公司有关EHS的政策和规定,并完成EHS相关工作 职务要求: 1. 药学/药剂等相关专业,2015年应届本科毕业生; 2. 能偶吃苦耐劳,具有良好的沟通能力以及团队合作精神; 3. 实习期半年以上,每周工作5天,该岗位实习期可能需要倒班,表现良好可以转为正式员工。 无锡健康药物工厂 职位名称:化学/微生物分析实习生 招聘城市:无锡市 工作职责: 1. 严格按照SOP的要求及现行的检验方法的要求进行检验。 2. 及时记录仪器使用记录和检验记录及溶液标准品配制记录。 3. 及时报告实验中出现的偏差。 4. 熟悉每种试剂的MSDS,严格按照EHS的要求处理和使用试剂。 职务要求: 1. 药学/药剂/化学/生物等相关专业,2015年应届本科毕业生; 2. 能偶吃苦耐劳,具有良好的沟通能力以及团队合作精神; 3. 实习期半年以上,每周工作5天,该岗位实习期可能需要倒班,表现良好可以转为正式员工。 辉瑞(武汉)研发中心 Position: CTPQ IA Intern City: Wuhan Responsibility: Provide functional expertise in thecollation, analysis and presentation of information to enable DevelopmentOperations to understand organizational delivery, set appropriate performancetargets, report progress towards those targets, and proactively manage goaldelivery in alignment with the productivity expectations of the organization. Qualification: 1. Accessingdata in systems 2. Datareview for content quality and/or compliance 3. Comparingdata for consistent approach 4. Tracking and summarizing data on findings Position: Medical InformationServices Associate Intern City: Wuhan Responsibility: 1. Informationand Literature Support 1) Performhigh quality searches of the medical literature in response to the requests ofGMI Wuhan team members within agreed timelines. 2) Workclosely with GMI Wuhan team members to create and maintain the search strategypool for internal use 3) Maintainknowledge of knowledge management resources and information services/tools. 2. Document-relatedSupport 1) ReviewMI documents (e.g. Scientific Response Documents) for fact checking andcompliance with Global Style Guide (GSG) within agreed timelines. 2) Provideinternal support for summarizing articles, inserting product information orother support if necessary Qualification: 1. ExcellentEnglish written and oral communication skills 2. Basicknowledge of biostatistics preferred 3. Abilityto summarize and integrate large volumes of data into concise, but completedocument 4. Knowledgeof standard medical writing guidelines 5. Strongcognitive abilities, including verbal reasoning, attention to detail, criticalthinking, and analytical ability 6. Theability to accurately track and follow multiple versions of the same documentduring its revisions 7. Ableto fact check science/medical content and annotate references/slides 8. Highlevel of attention to detail and the ability to work in aconcentration-intensive environment Position: Business Technology Intern City: Wuhan Responsibility: 1. Manage,resolve and escalate, where necessary, application problems, owning through toresolution. 2. Liaisewith other IT groups, to ensure resolution of all identified problems withinassigned business area. 3. PurchaseIT orders and handle coordination of requests, ensure proper invoice routingand tracking. 4. Assiston IT supplies, equipment and other asset management tasks. 5. Effectivelyperform regular account maintenance tasks such as account creation, deactivation,reactivation, extension, personnel information modification. 6. Provideaccount status check per user request. Investigate and troubleshoot accountissues. 7. Planand coordinate a variety of meetings including scheduling, conference roomreservations, teleconference/WebEx set-up and associated meeting logistics;Arrange for visitor passes and access. 8. Prepareand edit reports and presentations using Microsoft Office software; organizeand maintain electronic and hard copy files. 9. Manageteam calendars, anticipate conflicts and use diplomacy to resolve problems inadvance. Qualification: 1. Interestedin Information Technology related knowledge (Infrastructure Support,Application Support, Software Development, and Database Management). 2. Candidateshould possess excellent communication skills with an ability to respond withprofessionalism in verbal as well as written communications. 3. Goodin written English. Can handle general oral conversation. 4. Detail-orientedwith strong organizational skills and a proven ability to prioritize and workindependently to complete quality work on a timely basis. 5. Abilityto take initiative within a strong team-oriented environment.
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