本帖最后由 NI招聘 于 2015-3-6 16:17 编辑
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如果你是一名理工科学生: 你是否思考过知识无用,抽象而缺乏实际? 你是否感叹过周围同学沉迷游戏,而自己胸怀大志,知音难觅? 你是否迷茫过走出校园,未来的职业发展道路到底该如何设计? 你是否担心实习就是在公司打杂,学习不到真本事而犹豫叹息? $ @5 q) e2 |9 ]3 P k. Z
如果有以上任何一条,恭喜你了!屏住呼吸: Duang!Duang!Duang!NI的工程师领导力培训计划实习生,正在招兵买马! 我们是美国国家仪器有限公司(National Instruments,简称NI),纳斯达克上市企业,测试测量领域的行业领导者。 我们为实习生提供有意义的工程实践项目,四轴飞行器、工业机器人、无线通信一个个好玩又有挑战性的项目等你来领略理论结合实际的魅力。 我们安排有经验的工程师提供一对一的指导,从技术到思想到生活。 这里,汇聚了五湖四海最优秀的高校精英,共同学习成长,总能找到人生路上志同道合的伙伴。 如果你对NI心驰神往,实习期间表现优异,还有机会直接被录用为正式员工。 + i! W$ H+ |9 {5 F+ H) D
看到这里“脸红什么?精神焕发!”,想必你已经抑制不住激动的心情,赶快加入我们吧! 号外:另有部分全职工程师领导力培训计划(ELPE)的岗位期待您的加入! 应聘职位 + 实习地 + 学校 + 专业 +应聘者姓名。
, Q5 U) F3 J h1 kPosition:ELP Intern Responsibilities: · Learn NI products and technologies · Do project or make demos · Provide technical support or solution · Apply NI resources creatively · Experience NI culture and post-college life Requirements: · Bachelor/Master degree majoring in Electronics, or other related fields · Good English written, oral and presentation skills · Strong ability to learn and solve problems independently · Excellent communication and cooperation ability · Experience of NI products will be a plus Location:Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou
5 D" F+ N$ V$ VPosition: ELP Engineer Responsibilities: · Provide technical support to the customers via phone and email · Configure and demonstrate virtual instrumentation systems to customers · Conduct technical seminars and present customer training for NI Products Requirements: · Bachelor/Master degree majoring in Electronics, or other related fields · Bachelor or Master degree in Electrical Engineering, Automation, or Instrumentation · Interested in working directly with customers to help them solve technical problems and learn how to apply our products to their applications · Excellent technical training and communication (oral and written) skills · Strong ability to solve problems and work independently · Bilingual in English and Mandarin Chinese · Willing to transfer to the position of Sales, Marketing, R&D or Services/Solutions after finishing ELPE program · Knowledge/experience of NI software or hardware is a plus Location:Shanghai
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