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宜高美信息服务(成都)有限公司—LTE L1 Algorithm Engineer-2015应届研究生

发表于 2015-3-10 14:02:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 xiaoqin.chen 于 2015-3-10 14:08 编辑 # r8 t& l5 C2 o2 M* L9 p# I

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宜高美信息服务(成都)有限公司现有LTE L1 Algorithm Engineer职位空缺,请有意者通过以下方式联系。

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1. 公司简介:

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为满足企业基本业务需求, 宜高美旗下的ArrayComm和Connexis为全球领先企业提供创新软件和专业服务:无线信号处理软件、车载通讯服务。宜高美总部位于美国北达科州的发戈,在全球有大约200名员工。
Ygomi builds and operates companies that deliver innovativesoftware and services for essential business needs.  Ygomi’s businessesprovide wireless signal processing software, vehicle communications, andprofessional services for multi-location enterprises.  Headquartered inFargo, North Dakota, U.S.A., the Ygomi companies serve leadingcorporations with approximately 200 employees around the world.  The Ygomicompanies are:
ArrayComm 是全球无线语音和数字通信业内数字基带处理软件的领导者.在与客户设备集成以后,ArrayComm的物理层解决方案以更快的速率,更大的容量和更广的覆盖范围来改善网络的经济效益,减少制造商的工程投资,并缩短设备的商用时间。Arraycomm 提供LTE以及 WiMax 的解决方案,既支持基站也支持终端。
ArrayComm leads the global wireless voice and datacommunications industry in digital baseband processing software. Incorporated with customers’ equipment, ArrayComm’s physical layer solutionsprovide greater speed, capacity, and coverage to improve network economicswhile minimizing manufactures’ engineering investment and time-to-market. ArrayComm provides solutions for LTE and WiMAX.  ArrayComm has implementedits technology for both base stations and client devices.

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2. 职位描述/Job Description

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-作为物理层算法工程师,您的工作是为ArrayComm'sEnodeB 及其客户产品提供无线通信系统算法设计,包括算法设计及优化、连接层仿真、定点性能验证。你将会和系统、DSP以及测试组密切合作,使我们的产品高效发布。
- As a physical layer algorithm engineer, you arerequired to contribute to the algorithm design of wireless communicationsystems for ArrayComm's EnodeB or Client products, including algorithm designand optimization, link-level simulation, fixed-point performance verification.You would work closely with System/DSP/Test team, in order to deliver ourproducts efficiently.

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3.任职要求/Required profile:
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- A minimum of a Master’s degree inElectrical Engineering is required with major in communication or signalprocessing;
- Enthusiasm for algorithm design,open-minded, dedicated and easy-going;
- Solid theory and mathematicalfoundation, strong Digital Signal Processing knowledge in the area of digitalcommunication, esp., wireless communication;
- Strong background and experiencein LTE/TD-SCDMA/GSM/WCDMA/WiMax/CMMB/DVB is much preferred;
- Excellent programming skill isreally good plus;
- Experience in DSP software codingor fixed-point simulation is a plus;
- Good written and oral Englishskills.
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4. 简历投递及联系方式:

, \  w6 y1 j4 K: L* i
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QQ|手机版|小黑屋|西南交通大学 - 天佑斋 ( 蜀ICP备20015072号 )

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