我们正在寻找候选人 1. 实验管理员 2. 博士后,博士研究生,硕士研究生 # h7 Y" }$ ]" b* p- f
Pedro Valdes-Sosa 教授为国家”千人计划专家”和古巴科学院院士(http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0M2PVJIAAAAJ)。 Pedro Valdes-Sosa 教授在华新建立了Neuroinformatics Collaboratory 实验室,目前在电子科技大学工作。他也是中古联合神经科学研究实验室的主任。实验室主要研究神经信息学,信号和影像学,生物物理学,神经网络建模,并应用这些技术,对脑部疾病进行检测和干预。 (http://www.neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org/) 实验室设立于电子科技大学, 并与不同学术机构或团体合作,其中包括尧德中教授的神经信息重点实验室,Keith Kendrick 教授的社会认知和情感神经科学实验室,Maria Antonieta Bobes教授 和 Mitchell Valdes教授的认知神经科学影像实验室。除此之外,实验室还和其他一些国际科研机构合作, 比如,laboratory of Neuroimaging (LONI) (www.loni.usc.edu), International Neuroinformatics Portal (INCF www.incf.org ) 和 Brain Imaging Center of the Montreal Neurological Institute (BIC-MNI). 实验室研究重点为多模态神经影像学和心理物理学方法,包括磁共振成像(MRI),功能磁共振成像,弥散张量成像,和脑电图(EEG)。我们将研究计算方法, 并研究大脑网络结构和功能图, 以便可以更好地揭示疾病的神经生物学机制,为疾病早期检测和干预铺平道路。 职位: 1. 实验室管理员 该职位涉及方向为HPC (High Performance Computing)高性能计算和实验室管理。理想的候选人将在HPC (High Performance Computing)高性能计算和计算机运用(包括软件,数据库,网络等)有丰富的经验。除此之外,如果懂得运用MATLAB对数据或信号进行处理将会有助于职位申请。候选人要具有硕士以上学历(包括硕士), 专业为计算机科学,或相关的工程学科,数学或物理学。如果候选人背景突出,有可能获得电子科技大学事业编制名额。 2. 招聘博士后,博士生,硕士研究生若干名。相关背景学科包括数学,物理,计算机科学,信号/图像处理,神经科学,心理学等。 申请者发送一封求职信和简历于以下邮箱 contact@neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org。 职位将长期开放,直至填补。
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We are seeking candidates for · An ITC NeuroinformaticsManager · Postdocs, and · PhD. Students for the newly created Neuroinformatics Collaboratory ofPedro Valdes-Sosa, 1000 Talent Professor of China (http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0M2PVJIAAAAJ) at the Key Lab for Neuroinformation, Universityof Electronic Sciences and Technology of China, UESTC Chengdu China (www.neuro.uestc.edu.cn ). This is also the Asian venue of the joint Chinese-Cuba Laboratory for Frontiers Research inTranslational Neuroscience of which he is the Director. The Cuban venue isat the Cuban Neuroscience Center (CNEURO)(www.cneuro.cu ) of which Prof. Valdes-Sosa is the GeneralVice-Director for Research. Our laboratory focuses broadly on Neuroinformatics,Signal and Neuroimage analysis, Biophysics, Neural Modeling, and theapplication of these techniques to translational research to impact on themanagement of brain disorders, importantly with an impact on primary healthcareer http://www.neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org/. This laboratory will be the link between differentgroups at UESTC and CNEURO, which include theKey Laboratory for Neuroinformation of Professor Dezhong Yao,the Laboratory for Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience SCAN ofProfessor Keith Kendrick andthe Cognitive Neuroscience Department of Maria Antonieta Bobesand Mitchell Valdes at CNEURO. The Collaboratory will include severalother research groups in the world as well as have close ties to the laboratoryof Neuroimaging (LONI) (www.loni.usc.edu) and the International Neuroinformatics Portal (INCF www.incf.org ) and the Brain Imaging Center of the MontrealNeurological Institute (BIC-MNI). The focus will be on Multimodal neuroimaging andpsychophysical techniques are employed, including magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, and electroencephalography(EEG). We are interested in developing computational methods to examine thenetwork-level structural and functional brain connectivity to shed light on theneurobiological mechanism of disease, paving the way for early detection andintervention. We are interested in develop new mathematical and statistical techniquesfor processing neurofeedback in real time using fMRI and EEG and furtherapplication in clinical setting to modify altered brain circuits. Keyattractions are access to a 3T MR scanner and a MR compatible digital EEGsystem as well as collaboration opportunities with an excellent network ofdomestic and international scientists and doctors. These are excellentpositions for people who would like to engage in exciting research in Chengduwhich is a very pleasant city and UESTC is one of the most important academiccenter in electronic sciences and Neuroscience in China and to establish linkswith premier research groups in the world. Starting salary and otherbenefits could be negotiate depending of the experience and qualifications ofthe candidate. Positions Manager of the ICT (Information Computer Technologies)aspects of the Neuroinformatics-Collaboratory of the Pedro Valdes-Sosa. The position involves the direction of the HighPerformance Computing HPC cluster and lab management. The ideal candidate wouldhave excellent interpersonal and organizational skills and substantial researchexperience using computing methods, cluster and signal processing. Experiencecomputer in management of IT infrastructure programming, including numbercrunching and data analysis in Matlab. The candidate would preferablypossess a MsC. or Ph.D. in any of the following specialties: Computer Science,one of the IT related Engineering disciplines, Physics, Mathematics. Themost important conditions would be proof of achievements and the interest inlearning. The position would be for a duration of 2-3 years. PhDs and Post Docs will be involved in excitingresearch related to the main topics of the lab. Guaranteed will be workdirected at both creating new methods for Neuroinformatics as well astranslational neuroscience. The positions will be two years with possibleextension and will remain open until filled. ; j( d: r& U9 A* |% n N- o
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