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发表于 2015-9-23 18:43:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
About United Overseas Bank (China) Limited
     在大力发展业务的同时,大华银行(中国)注重员工发展和社会公益。从2012年起,我行定期举行集团区域公益项目“爱心公益跑(行)”, 并将筹集的善款捐赠给本地慈善机构,用于他们的儿童和教育支援项目。
UnitedOverseas Bank Limited (UOB) is a leading bank in Asia with a global network ofmore than 500 offices in 19 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, WesternEurope and North America. Since its incorporation in 1935, UOB has grownorganically and through a series of strategic acquisitions. UOB is rated amongthe world’s top banks: Aa1 by Moody’s and AA- by Standard & Poor’s andFitch Ratings respectively.
UOBprovides a wide range of financial services including personal financialservices, private banking, business banking, commercial and corporate banking,transaction banking, investment banking, corporate finance, capital marketactivities, treasury services, brokerage and clearing services, assetmanagement, venture capital management and insurance.
UnitedOverseas Bank (China) Limited (UOB (China)) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of theUnited Overseas Bank Limited (UOB). Headquartered in Shanghai, UOB (China) wasincorporated in the People’s Republic of China on 18 December 2007 with aregistered capital of Renminbi (RMB) three billion. The bank’s far-sightedapproach has seen it grow from strength to strength since its inauguration on 2January 2008. At present, there are more than 10 branches and sub-branches inthe major Chinese cities.
UOBhas 30 years’ experience in China, with the first representative office set upin Beijing in 1984. In 2006 UOB was the first bank from Southeast Asiaauthorised to settle capital accounts in Shanghai. UOB (China) received aretail RMB licence and Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) trading membership in 2008and 2011 respectively. In 2012, UOB (China) received a Qualified DomesticInstitutional Investors (QDII) licence, and was one of the four foreign banksto participate in bullion trading on the SGE interbank platform. UOB (China) isalso one of the first foreign banks to obtain a local mutual fund licence inChina in 2013. In 2014, UOB (China) established a sub-branch at Shanghai PilotFree Trade Zone (FTZ), obtained a trial market maker licence for inter-bankgold bilateral transaction as well as a market maker licence for direct tradingbetween RMB and Singapore dollar (SGD) in the inter-bank foreign exchangemarket. These advances further extended the Bank’s business offerings tocustomers operating in China.
AsUOB (China) continues to grow its business, it is also committed to its peopleand the community. Since 2012, UOB (China) has participated in the annual UOBHeartbeat Run/Walk to raise funds for under privileged children and variouseducation initiatives in China.
Formore information about UOB (China), visit www.UOBChina.com.cn
About UOB Management Associate Programme
TheUOB Management Associate Programme is a sixteen-month programme, which has beendesigned to provide you with an accelerated induction experience. You willlearn different aspects of the business and develop a wide range of corecompetencies and technical skills which will fast-track your career in thebanking industry.
The programme is available across all ofUOB business segments and subsidiaries. You will be given the choice to choosea business segment or corporate function which is most aligned with your careeraspirations. We offer you:
Accelerated growth
You will undergoan accelerated and robust curriculum comprising of structured classroom trainingsand job rotations within the business segment of your choice. The curriculumincludes a three-month strategic project where you will develop, recommend andexecute bank-wide initiatives to drive change and advance our growth in theregion.
The programme will culminate in a regionalgraduation ceremony. The ceremony will be an invaluable opportunity for you tomeet fellow Management Associates from UOB subsidiaries and network with UOBleadership team. At the end of the programme, top performing Management Associateswill be given the opportunity to undertake a six-month overseas assignment in oneof our regional offices.
You will be assigned a mentor and HR advisor whowill guide you along in your career with the bank. This is an opportunity foryou to seek informal feedback on your professional and personal development.
What it takes
If you believe you can make your mark with UOB, aswe make our mark in Asia, we invite you to sign up for UOB Management AssociateProgramme. You should preferably have or possess the following:
2  Atleast a bachelor degree with expected graduation in 2016, from any discipline,gained from a reputable university, or professionals with no more than 2 years’working experience
2  Be passionateand self-driven to deliver performance excellence
2  Demonstrateexceptional leadership potential and be a team player
2  Excellentwritten and spoken English, with good GPA
OnlineApplication              15 Sep - 24 Oct2015
PsychometricAssessment   26 Oct - 10 Nov 2015
VideoScreening                  2 Nov - 10 Nov2015
AssessmentCentre              16 Nov - 30 Nov 2015
PanelInterview                    Dec, 2015
OfferRelease                       Dec, 2015
Campus Talk
The campus talk in UOB China will be scheduledrespectively in Guangzhou, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Shanghai. We sincerely invite you to join us to closely engage with ourSenior Management and MA alumni to find out more about the programme. Moredetails are as follows:
Apply Now
If you are readyto be a UOB Management Associate, please apply ONLINEHttp://campus.51job.com/UOB.The closing date for applications for UOB China is 24thOct 2015.
If you encounterany difficulties in the registration or selection process, you may wish tocontact us at: UOBCManagementAssociateProgram@UOBgroup.com; and visit Wechatfor more programme updates.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-28 12:57:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 C100 于 2015-9-28 13:04 编辑 % r, v! A- w" P  w/ a" o" o
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大华UOB.png About United Overseas Bank (China) Limited 2 |5 f1 a; f$ s* [3 W  q
( q+ C0 ]2 Q. @/ H3 d3 f4 H# {大华银行有限公司(大华银行)是亚洲银行业的翘楚,在全球范围内拥有超过500家办事处,遍布亚太、西欧、北美19个国家和地区。自1935年注册成立以来,大华银行通过有机增长和一系列的收购不断成长。大华银行的评级位列世界顶尖银行之列——穆迪评级为Aa1级,标普评级和慧誉评级皆为AA-。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-8 10:23:20 | 显示全部楼层
在大力发展业务的同时,大华银行(中国)注重员工发展和社会公益。从2012年起,我行定期举行集团区域公益项目“爱心公益跑(行)”, 并将筹集的善款捐赠给本地慈善机构,用于他们的儿童和教育支援项目。
/ X9 H" ^& N/ F6 g欲了解更多信息,请登陆大华银行(中国)官方网站:www.UOBChina.com.cn.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-11 14:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
. k/ C, J/ v# H3 d

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-14 21:21:39 | 显示全部楼层

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