Intel-- PublicAffairs intern Job Title: PublicAffairs intern Location: Chengdu Job Type:Intern Job Open : 1 Job Description: - Assist Intel Chengdu Site PublicAffairs on daily administrative work; collect policy and government-relatedinfo and analyze its business relevance to Intel; help to work on SitePA-related information required internally and externally. , e+ o: P5 @ ^! x4 d0 @( p% z
- Perform various administrative and project-related activities in support ofPA. Typical duties may include but are not limited to the following: Drafts,composes, types, and proofs correspondence using current office softwareapplications; schedules and coordinates logistics for external visitors,meetings and community/education programs/events; organizes and managescalendar schedule(s) for manager and/or department; maintains office supplies;tracks program data and spending; serves as an information resource/communicationchannel for policies and procedures. Duties may also include execution ofresearch, data analysis, and preparing reports/recommendations. Copies,collates, sorts and distributes materials. Assignments are complex anddiversified in nature and may require working within a globally dispersed team.Work performed within generally defined parameters. Qualifications:
7 A5 l2 ?9 B5 T3 v; Q- Can work for at least 1 year; - Master's degree required;
) a" p' f, g: L b' @! W/ L' n- Good communication and analysis skills; 1 t- L" m ]3 a7 O
- Good IT skill in webpage and Photoshop; , h+ a) x5 e" q' z0 @5 t4 r
- Fluency in written and conversational English and Mandarin;
) j1 Y; \; a) l* P- Ability to work effectively in a demanding environment and under tightdeadlines; 9 V' m5 A1 g5 ?9 U, ^( B
- Judgment and decision making ability is required in resolving moderatelycomplex problems;
$ }8 ~7 i- F% f! ^- A good team player with high energy and enthusiasm. # _) Q, K8 O) g' B& @