# A) v% c; _* ^* B% p在二十年的时间里,NVIDIA 一直在视觉计算方面 (计算机图形的艺术与科学) 勇当先锋。 1 t* }0 p Z* @! Y8 {) r' F6 c
凭借我们发明的 GPU ——现代视觉计算的引擎,这一领域现已扩张到涵盖了视频游戏、电影制作、产品设计、医学诊断以及科学研究等 ( C7 w6 }+ |2 i! J/ ?
NVIDIA在世界各地拥有 9,300 名员工。持有的专利资产多达 7,300 项。 4 X, _8 N' o. ]/ I4 Y9 t/ B1 X
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# o8 N z G- }8 c/ M: K- rWe are hiring CUDAAutomation Test Development and Triage Engineer –for 2016 PhD
: s+ S7 x8 p, w- i7 ~& n, {) Y8 g , a& M6 i4 j% Y3 K# A/ Y8 e
CUDA是什么? , X( h7 B8 ^8 R: \2 E
CUDA™ 是 NVIDIA® 公司的并行计算架构。 该架构通过利用 GPU 的处理能力,可大幅提升计算性能。目前,全球「财富」五百强企业已经安装了 700 多个 GPU 集群,从能源领域中的斯伦贝谢和雪佛龙到银行业中的法国巴黎银行,这些企业的范围十分广泛。
( H! g5 B# a, B o
% K' L7 b6 V$ F ^; z" H5 lCoding 关键词: C++/ C QA ; d S4 g6 a! a9 v
9 n7 O9 v+ O* E8 N1 Y
工作地点:上海市浦东新区秋月路26号,公司管饭~ 3 K" \2 \5 l9 V3 H
/ b5 S1 F' Z# _( M9 C, I
d) C- j; z3 ?! D 9 I: O2 x y7 S" \
PositionTitle: CUDA Automation Test Development and Triage Engineer 5 t2 J( `5 P7 Q1 l$ _
8 t7 l$ y" a4 l k# v2 ^' N' {- Develop and automate GPU CUDA Computing tests to ensurequality of functionality, compatibility and performance.
: [% A, L) I. S* T& C8 ^) s2 X- X8 }, A- Triage and fix the test failures from the nightly and weeklyautomation testing. 8 @8 o2 r2 s9 q7 M5 Y4 m
D5 C9 t. j. `- A good degree from a leading university in anengineering or computer science related discipline (BS; MS or PhD preferred) * q( E4 C: Q" ~' d$ L$ R
- Strong knowledge of C/C++ and/or Fortran. ) X3 r, X" H+ |& ^
- Strong knowledge of programming techniques andalgorithms.
! e0 b1 K6 i" B( H- Good trouble shooting, analytical skill, logicalthinking and inferences capability a must. - J" O- D, p/ ]2 u" v
- Experience with Python, perl is a plus. ( {% d& a6 N; ]. f, X7 i! q% E
- Knowledge in Linux is a plus. ) T( Q3 v/ h% b. ]2 h
- Experience with parallel programming, ideally CUDAC/C++ and OpenACC is a plus " [5 F( j, \8 j5 J& ^3 B
- Experience with machine learning, artificialintelligence, computer vision is a plus 6 |: `+ M# X; N7 d5 v
- Good communication and organization skills, with alogical approach to problem solving, good time management and taskprioritization skills
$ k; X0 q2 y5 s3 k; K) L- Ability to work independently and achieve results ontight time lines. 6 m9 L3 n! I# i
9 |5 d7 d/ ]4 a# y' U3 FThanks 6 ^9 C# x' ^( q, W
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